Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports
Every Thursday we will be re-posting the amazing LSU Football hype videos and game highlights from the 2019-2020 Championship season. Enjoy & Geaux Tigers!

Week 9 - No. 2 LSU vs. No. 9 Auburn on October 26.

Hype video narrated by Scott Van Pelt:

Game Highlights:

Filed Under: LSU Football
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Geauxmbo58 months
LSU hype videos are untouchable
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PensaTigers58 months
My favorite hype video from the season for sure. frick auburn!!!
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Hussss58 months
Too bad this game will be forgotton by most. It was the Game of the Year in the SEC.
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bengalman58 months
Still flying high!
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colbyjackcheese58 months
Tough Game.
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AustinKnight58 months
My life wouldn’t be the same without Football that’s for sure
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FishinTygah8458 months
HOLE E GOOSEBUMPS. i love me some SVP
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CanebreakCajun58 months
Man, sweet baby jesus, let us have a season
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