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Golf trip format

Posted on 9/13/24 at 9:24 am
Posted by Ttiger37
Member since Dec 2017
18 posts
Posted on 9/13/24 at 9:24 am
Wondering how others set up their trip.
8 golfers, 4 two-man teams, 4 rounds.

Last year did a 4v4 mess around round.

The 3 rounds of 2-man teams. 1 scramble round 2 best ball rounds. We had a continues Stableford score for the 3 rounds.

Looking to see if others have a better format.
Posted by DestrehanTiger
Houston, TX by way of Louisiana
Member since Nov 2005
12737 posts
Posted on 9/13/24 at 10:03 am to
We always just do a Ryder Cup format, but we never play alternate shot. So, best ball until we get to the last round, then we play singles. I have found that if the last round is on a day by itself, it is best to finish the contest the round before. It allows more time to celebrate (gloat) about the win on the last night. One year we finished on the last round, and everyone had to rush to get to the airport after. It wasn't as enjoyable.
Posted by Scottforeverlsu
Member since Nov 2016
1087 posts
Posted on 9/13/24 at 11:02 am to
16 man trip in 2 weeks. 4 rounds of scrambles due to the wide range of hips. Used to keep all 4 teams the same, but are rotating players this year.
Dancing Rabbit, Waverly and Mossy
This post was edited on 9/13/24 at 11:04 am
Posted by DestrehanTiger
Houston, TX by way of Louisiana
Member since Nov 2005
12737 posts
Posted on 9/13/24 at 11:21 am to
I did just think of an idea recently for our next trip. You have 4 teams of 2. Depending on the rounds, you can have a simple single elimination tournament, double elimination, or extend matches to 36 holes. My idea is that there is no format, and that is where it will be fun. Prior to each match, the two sides can figure out the competition they want. All that matters is one team is left when the match is done.

For ours, I am thinking we'd have 36 holes matches each day. So, the night before during dinner, the two groups will argue, trash talk, and debate on the format.
This post was edited on 9/13/24 at 12:38 pm
Posted by bopper50
Sugarland Texas
Member since Mar 2009
9777 posts
Posted on 9/13/24 at 1:07 pm to
On a 3 Day trip with 8 golfers we do a Ryder Cup.

First two days we do best ball and the last day, everyone is usually tired and hungover so we do a Shamble format.

We settle up daily and we switch up teams every day so everyone gets to play with each other.
Posted by yallallcrazy
Member since Oct 2007
796 posts
Posted on 9/13/24 at 2:42 pm to
16 usually, sometimes 12. Group is handicapped by the leadership based on actual GHIN but also knowledge of the players. If someone is playing particularly well, they may get a little lower cap, and vice versa. If you won overall last year, you will definitely get less strokes, And if you’ve never won or not in a while, you will get 1-2 more. Just enough to make it interesting.

Foursomes change daily, assigned by leadership. Every day there are awards for the low net foursome, low net individual. There’s an optional skins game. There’s usually an optional no- hdcp game too.

After four rounds the big award goes to the low net total player.

It works pretty well because everyone is familiar with each other so the handicaps are fair.
Posted by MudIslandTiger
Germantown, TN
Member since Dec 2016
168 posts
Posted on 9/13/24 at 3:22 pm to
We take a guys trip every summer. Usually 8. This year we had 12. Played 4 rounds at RTJ courses (Schoolmaster, Ridge and Valley at Oxmoor Valley) and Ross Bridge. Our Saturday afternoon 18 was a 3 team, 4 man shamble counting two best net scores per hole. We played the par 3 at Oxmoor as a 6 team, 2 man scramble, quota game. The other 3 rounds, we played a member guest style format. 2 man teams per foursome. At the turn, we swapped playing partners. Ended up being 6 matches total. 7 points max, 3 points min per match. Accumulated points over the 3 days and crowned a winner and runner up (3rd and 4th got their money back). Win a hole, 1 point. Halved a hole 0.5 points. Win the match, 1 bonus point. Tie the match 0.5 bonus point. It was a hell of a lot of fun. Normally we mix up the formats but we wanted to try the 9 hole match play thing this year and it was a blast. It allowed you to reset after a 9 and get back into it. Almost everyone was still alive for top 4 after the first two rounds so it kept things super interesting all weekend.

We are going to Bandon next month with 8 of us. All 5 rounds at the regular courses will be the same way. So it ends up being 10 9 hole matches. We are playing both of the par 3 courses but we'll just have some side bets on those. We will have to play with the same partner a couple of times but I'll be able to split most of the matches up. I used a pairings generator online to randomize the pairings for each and will use it again for this trip. All handicapped, best ball matches. I'm not going to Bandon to play a shamble or scramble so this was the best way to do it.
This post was edited on 9/13/24 at 3:28 pm
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