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Onboard footage of Juan Manual Fangio testing a Formula 1 car in 1957
Posted on 11/24/19 at 9:12 pm
Posted on 11/24/19 at 9:12 pm
Fangio gets in his Maserati wearing pleated khaki pants and then proceeds to drive on a track bordered by brush on tires that look to be 5 inches wide.
Posted on 11/24/19 at 9:20 pm to weagle99
Did they run passes with the camera in a different spot each time? No camera is visible in any of the shots. 

Posted on 11/24/19 at 9:22 pm to bad93ex
When juan fangio died in car race, the pope said he could not be buried in consecrated ground because the profession at its highest level was tantamount to suicide.
Posted on 11/24/19 at 9:25 pm to CelticDog
When juan fangio died in car race, the pope said he could not be buried in consecrated ground because the profession at its highest level was tantamount to suicide.
That is just a straight up lie, dipshit. Do you have Alzheimers?
Fangio died at the ripe old age of 84 from pneumonia in his bed.
Posted on 11/24/19 at 9:25 pm to weagle99
Fangio gets in his Maserati wearing pleated khaki pants and then proceeds to drive on a track bordered by brush on tires that look to be 5 inches wide.
Back when men were men.
Racing is too safe today and the cars have too much tire and too much downforce.
Posted on 11/24/19 at 10:09 pm to BuckyCheese
Cool video, that track look terrible. Wish it wash at old Monza, Spa, or Nurburgring.
Posted on 11/24/19 at 10:45 pm to weagle99
That car sounds incredible
Posted on 11/24/19 at 11:05 pm to weagle99
True story.... that’s a really distant cousin of mine.
Posted on 11/25/19 at 12:03 am to weagle99
Great video especially the SL roadster, the 290mm, and testing an F1 in pleated dockers.
Posted on 11/25/19 at 5:31 am to corneredbeast
That car sounds incredible
I thought the same. Dude is bad arse. Short sleeve shirt, Khakis, no seatbelt, DGAF.

Oh and dem narrow tires.

This post was edited on 11/25/19 at 5:32 am
Posted on 11/25/19 at 10:10 am to LanierSpots
I thought the same. Dude is bad arse. Short sleeve shirt, Khakis, no seatbelt, DGAF.
I watched a doc on Le Mans, Ford vs. Ferrari and Andretti said most drivers didn't wear seat belts back then because the cars were always exploding in fire after a crash back then and sometimes if you didn't crash and they'd rather take their chances getting thrown from the car then being trapped in a fire.
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