Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:New Orleans born, Metry raised
Interests:Hunting and Fishing
Number of Posts:26774
Registered on:10/17/2013
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]You're actually retarded if you think it's irrelevant because it's a franchise. Franchise groups literally have rules and guidelines to protect their brand imagine. This directly affects the Disney brand. You're an actual waterhead.[/quote] Ok Dickhead.... Someone melting over BS that h...
Richard Dawson was banging all the ladies.....
I bet she got a gorilla between those legs. :lol:...
No, cause I'm not stupid. Had a cousin who asked if he could barrow 5K, he already barrowed 10K from our grandmother, who he didn't pay back. I told him to pound sand......
[quote]In the '60s the third most popular beer in tUS was... Falstaff[/quote] Yep... Was #1 in the Southeast. My dad was an independent Falstaff distributor, I still have a lot of the old promotional stuff. He always had a keg on tap, he busted me and my friends drink from spigot....
This Merlin Olsen? [img]https://i.redd.it/m5ayxw9kn3781.jpg[/img]...
One of my favorite pics of Marilyn, showed what a true beauty she was. [img]https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/nintchdbpict000310456125.jpg[/img]...
[quote]It’s a franchised hotel that’s not owned by Disney. They are irrelevant in this.[/quote] I’m no Disney apologist, but his is a fact, don’t know why the down votes… They should have a problem with the Crown Plaza not Disney… I guess Disney is the easy target....
Holy shite, that’s a rough 27. :lol: [img]https://people.com/thmb/lpNLeCako_SNQIwXg75gIfTo2fE=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(719x359:721x361):format(webp)/Jennifer-Kaye-Holder-011923-3e210811f27343e295d5a5275c544170.jpg[/img]...
Grey owned station is all you need to know....
What a drama queen... :lol: Does Canada not have rest stops on their highways? I mean, who does a road trip without stopping. Dude is just being an obtuse a-hole....
The smell of creosote pilings brings me back to my grandparents old beach house in Waveland… and that was 55 years ago… The smell of two stroke outboard exhaust reminds me of every summer waterskiing....
[quote]What get Trump my money not GOP[/quote] :dunno: ...
I like a good joke, but that ‘s pretty fricked up…....
[quote]Member since Dec 2019 76 posts[/quote] Cracks me up, these idiots all of a sudden showing up…… You know your arse won’t be here in November…. :lol: [quote]I was in jail with high school kids missing their prom night.[/quote] Father of the year…. :lol: If you’re still smoking wee...