Favorite team:USA 
Biography:LSU Alumni (2004) UWM (2007), Born and raised in LA. Moved from a cushy public sector job in Education to a crazy, cutting-edge, job in a tech/education start-up.
Interests:Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Sports (soccer player by nature), Movies, Arguing about random things, Useless Information
Occupation:Educational Technology
Number of Posts:37436
Registered on:2/14/2006
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]That statement makes no sense... either it's rigged or not... what do you mean couldn't plan for it ???...[/quote] You can rig something and it not work. There is a limit to the last minute vote adding that's available - and they underestimated how much they would need. That's not crazy. ...
[quote]12 citizen jurors decided Trump committed 34 felonies. Unanimously. The courtroom is not a Trump rally where lies and misinformation rule. He got due process and lost[/quote] And Nancy Pelosi is the greatest investor of all time. You know the system is rigged. There is plenty of proof. ...
[quote]He had sex with a porn star and a bunny and tried to cover it up. Amoral. [/quote] Dude, Biden stands up every week and plays emotional politics with his sons death. That's is FAR worse than sleeping with an agreeable pron star....
[quote]Was it rigged 2016???[/quote] Of course it was. But Trump was a wild card enough that they couldn't plan for it. And they really thought Hilary was likable and/or the female vote would carry her. It's been rigged for a long time, but now it's basically unbeatable for truth, honesty, ju...
They are protected by the media. Everything they do is "recontextualized" appropriately. This gives them the ability to do whatever they want for whatever reason. ...

re: Trump just won the election

Posted by Freauxzen on 5/30/24 at 4:15 pm
[quote]There will be a lot of cheating and Biden will get 100 million votes this time.[/quote] Ding ding ding ...
I mean it's sad, but like the 2020 election I don't think people get it yet. The whole thing is rigged. Top to bottom. The only reason they pulled this card from the beginning is because they had a guilty verdict locked and loaded back then. The entire structure is tainted. People think these s...
When you can mess up Blade, which is ALREADY exactly what you want- a legit, not a recasting- black hero, you know you've gone too far. But not Disney. Blade is not enough. A black superhero is not enough. Hilarious. But sad, because Blade is a great hero. And the two Snipes movies kind if ...
Liberals just want everyone sexualized. No matter the age. People driven by totally manipulative passions. That's their goal. That makes governing easy. ...
[quote]Every single urban area is dominated by violent thugs, lgbt hipsters, and drugged out vagrants. They reek of weed, trash, and human feces.[/quote] All people who are driven solely by their pleasures and desires. It's the liberal utopia. ...
Keep it up. Maybe find new hobbies? Experiment with something. Rock climbing? Do a "solo/group" thing like a rowing or fencing club (or other combat arts?). That can give you some challenge a few nights of the week and give you something somewhat social. Read. Read. Read. Before religion,...
[quote]It's not a "protected entitty" Florida's law is based in the damage to property. Over $1000 is a felony. The claim is this burnout caused more than $1000 in damage. It has nothing to do with being "protected" or anything like that. This is just basic, damaging property of others.[/quote...
I've been impressed with the. Catholic debates here. Well done stitches. ...
The fact that Biden is prepped to talk to this is the Left showing their hand. Fix is in. He will be found guilty on a majority of counts. ...
[quote]Let priests get married. It would solve a lot of problems. Recruit from a broader base of candidates for one.[/quote] Nope. People still don't actually understand that the molestation in the church and the movement of priests was mostly the gay clergy doing it. It's still thrown a...
It's Demolition Man. 100%...
[quote]They can't just come out and say they are stopping, or apologize, because then they'd lose dollars from the other half.[/quote] This is the way....