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Location:Jacksonville, NC
Biography:AL native. USMC prior service
Interests:Avoiding people
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Registered on:12/13/2013
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Hes drunk as a skunk rambling and interupting his cohosts nonstop. Couldnt watch more than a few minutes. ...
Fish tastes like the water it came out of. Gross....
And guarante3d to have more security cameras pointed at it than anywhere else in the hotel. Gotta hope they can get someone who disagrees!!!...
Ive maybe seen 10 black people at the polls in 12 election cycles. They dont vote. Their votes are cast for them. That's why they " vote dem"...
Do you dumbasses know nothing about women? Do you think for a split second MK would intentionally try to help DJT in any way shape or form? Also, do you not remember her betrayal followed by trying to switch sides, only to come crawling back after the left shite on her and made it clear she wa...
[quote]A. Was the payment made in NY? B. What business was she running to trigger the business records law?[/quote] As if anything would matter to your biased dumbass. Youd suck a democrat politicians dick 5 times before lunch just to hear them tell you attaboy....
[quote]What can Trump do when they jail him? Nobody is gonna fight either as Jan 6 people still haven’t even been charged with crimes. Once they get trump they’ll start to go after those who complain about it.[/quote] If I were a j6er sitting in jail for some BS my lifes goal would become putti...

re: TGIF Watch thread

Posted by Gusoline on 5/31/24 at 8:39 pm
Damn i thought it was 1995 and we were getting ready for family matters, step by step and boy meets world....
Time for her to get back at you be re kindling the old flame with her HS sweetheart. It's only fair in her mind. Bitches be crazy...
But will there be gay lovers? Thats all modern tv cares about. ...
Sure, just send them into a non combat role. Milk the system and laugh behind their back. Guaranteed pay and free housing while they get their shite together....
[quote]The money came from a business.[/quote] All money comes from a fricking business...

re: 1400 acres of WI farmland gone

Posted by Gusoline on 5/31/24 at 4:18 pm
[quote]What happens in the winter when all that glass freezes over?[/quote] Easy theynget some gas powered flame throwers to melt the ice... duhhhh...
This is what they make 6 figures a year to do... threaten to ask questions!!! ...
[quote]You guys can just say you hate america and leave it at that. Then buy a ticket somewhere else.[/quote] Definitely living abroad when my kid is grown. frick this place. Gonna collect my VA and rental money and watch it burn from somewhere nice. Already done my part for this place. Yalls ...
One of the reasons i deleted my facebook qas because no matter how much i shared important news that should get people mad talking or both... none of my " friends" interacted. I guess it could have been zuck just shadowbanning me from everyones feed but it seems like the majority of people are to...

re: New York Court of Appeals

Posted by Gusoline on 5/30/24 at 7:31 pm
[quote]The NY Court of Appeals overturned Weinstein's conviction.[/quote] A rapist and staunch democrat supporter....
At least theres transcipts on a jury trial. I had a DA stand there and say judge we can ASSSUME HE DID IT and the judge say guilty with no evidence. No court reporters for bench trials they said. Also ga e me prayer for judgement without me asking so there's no way to have the charge expunged ...