Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:4224
Registered on:1/29/2014
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Yeah as detestable as they are I was pulling for the Aggies there. One does not simply walk into the SEC without a bloody nose....
We just had like two new states worth of illegals stroll across, so yeah....
We said they'd do this over two years ago. There is not a single thing they've done that we didn't know was coming....
We lost the country a very long time ago when they shot the president to death in Dallas and were able to investigate themselves. We have one last chance to fix this at the ballot box but it's going to take a monumental event to overcome the insane amount of fraud they will commit to try to stop ...
[quote] Nobody including Trump had any clue how corrupt and evil the DOJ and FBI were.[/quote] People who actually believed they were this bad were shouted down as nutjobs. Well. They weren't nuts. They were right....
Shut up bitch. You wrote the rules. Now you're going to get to play by them too. You people have the intelligence of a banana slug....
I agree with everything you said there, but that's not why I said it was just about getting this verdict. You and I consider second and third order consequences of things before they happen. I'm just not sure they actually do when they do shite like this. I think the plan was to take him off the b...
Bro, they just went full commie show trial against the guy who is the frontrunner in the Presidential race. I'm pretty sure this isn't about anything beyond that. Reactions to it be damned. This is what they wanted. ...

re: Just donated to Trump

Posted by Captain Rumbeard on 5/31/24 at 8:07 am
Just donated as well. They have made a monumental mistake....
I was on 4/chan watching them do it. That one always stunk and I never really bought it because the IC's were posting like crazy trying to stop the meme wars. But that wasn't the one that really screamed IC to me when I first saw it. That would be Pizzagate because after the Podesta / Hillary dro...
Just donated. I hope they just provoked a mountain of cash so large they can't cope....
They're taking the narrative of him from Billiionaire brat that nobody likes, to "Holy shite is this a Bible story or somethin?". They've made their tyranny glaring and spitting in your face with this. This is so fricking dangerous but these people are that scared and more dangerous than we've e...
[quote]Law degree and masters in tax law here. I’m sure you’re highly educated yourself[/quote] Found the fed....
They built this network of bots and trolls for years waiting for this moment. Notice the uniformity of the WELP GUESS IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON FELLOW BROS posts? Yeah. That's not organic. It's what they're trying to make you think is organic. That way you are scared to buck the herdthink. This i...
Oh god shut up. He's going to get a huge bump off of this. ...
Don't matter, we'll be screaming it anyway....
That last playoff game against us destroyed his mind. He's probably got PTSD from just the first half alone....