Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
Location:Central Mississippi
Number of Posts:9453
Registered on:6/21/2014
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[quote]And had a lower ERA against the juiced bats and very few touched 90. Maybe they knew how to pitch instead of throw[/quote] But muh spin rate is so high I can throw it through dat dar brick wall, but ah cun only do it fur 15 pitches. Hurr dur...
[quote]An outlier when the dudes back then wouldn’t even be D1 now[/quote] What?...
[quote]I played football in high school. I ran a 4.7[/quote] Me too. Also played JUCO baseball. I was a safety and ran a 4.79 or basically a 4.8. Destroyed my ankle in practice right before the second game of my junior year. I mean, tore the ligaments and tendons all up. It's still fricked today. ...
[quote]It is the worst product of any sport. I couldn’t even watch lsu during their title run. It’s just so bad[/quote] Same when State went to back to back championship games and beat UConn in the semis. I turned it on for maybe 3 minutes. shite was awful....
The best one to me was where Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, and Ray Allen are watching Hoosiers. They look up and Van Gundy is standing behind them watching and says something like "I just love this part", and then one of the three says," Van Gundy? Who's driving the RV?". It then pans back out to the ...

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by msudawg1200 on 5/31/24 at 3:58 pm
[quote]Is that Treat Williams? [/quote] That's who I thought it was...
I don't give a shite how a man wears his hair. The men who usually "care" about these things are insecure themselves....
I've already been doing this for 52 years...
Have no issues with the Sooners, but frick Texas. Everywhere they've been they've helped burn it to the ground. The SEC will rue the day they let those mother frickers in. Mark my words....
I'm about finished with it. It used to be my favorite sport, and it wasn't even close to the others, by far going all the way back to 1978. This crap they have now is awful. MLB has slowly replaced CFB as my #1, and now NFL is #2. I used to couldn't wait for the Phil Steele, Athlon, Lindy's CFB maga...
My high school senior year football physical was 5' 9 3/4 160 pounds. After a year of JUCO baseball I got up to 180, but carried it well it was not fat. After college and training for football and baseball since the age of 7 I didn't do squat for about 10 years and got up to a fattish 205-210 by age...
[quote]high fructose corn syrup[/quote] That stuff is the devil. After having a couple of kidney stones, I thought I was doing good by stopping all carbonated sodas, and not want to go full on water started drinking Gatorade. After a few months of this I developed gout in my big toe and a few other...

re: Reds Sweep Dodgers

Posted by msudawg1200 on 5/27/24 at 7:02 am
Time to get the machine headed back in the right direction...
[quote]I also didn't realize that she had an attractive face[/quote][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/RJAjTowsU0K1a/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952nb1rrsyvuthg7nb0i22dwfq87bfku8ilech6ozmy&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...

re: Why do you hate the Celtics?

Posted by msudawg1200 on 5/26/24 at 3:50 pm
Love the Celtics. Jumped on the Bird bandwagon in 1981 at the tender age of 9. They are the only NBA team I watch or keep up with anymore....
[quote]Half their dugout was dropping f bombs to the ump 5 minutes ago but sure, it’s the Vols. [/quote] Yeah, because the Volunqueers have been such choirboys under douchebag...
[quote]What’s up with Vitello’s guys always being dickbags[/quote] Because their coach is a douchebag queer...
Give me the major colleges where these so-called soccer coaches were called. Journalists have always been pathetic, but they are quadruple pathetic in "Biden's America"....
[quote]Who really cares what that twat thinks? He's a useless figurehead better left ignored. He serves no purpose and most assuredly does nothing whatsoever to further the Kingdom of God.[/quote] Exactly. He is a man. I don't need a man telling me what God wants or thinks. I also don't have to con...