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Registered on:6/24/2014
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One of the actors said that Anakin blew up the Death Star These people have no clue what the frick they’re doing...
[quote]#Acolyte budget is reportedly ~$180M[/quote] That’s 2X the amount spent on Kenobi, featuring two of the most famous characters in history LOL...
[quote]Star Wars: #TheAcolyte is a DREAM for fans of The High Republic era[/quote] So no one...
I guess we'll continue to wait for 5 more years...
It's now to the point in the mind of fans that it's either not going to happen or it's total dogshit. You have to have GTA or Elder Scrolls level pull to keep fans hopeful for so long before they don't care anymore, especially when any talk about it is in regard to major production problems....
I don't see how that they think this can be a financial success after 7 different writers overhauling the script. Seems like one of those situations where the writing is on the wall....
[link=(https://cosmicbook.news/marvels-blade-doomed-mahershala-ali-exiting-role)]Cosmic Book News[/link] This isn't the first time this rumor has coming up but it's heating up again because it's now on its 7th writer and 5th year in development. They can go ahead and cancel this now. [quote]Fo...

re: Judge gets it right

Posted by JetsetNuggs on 5/29/24 at 1:43 pm
This dude might've actually one-upped Buttfricker 3000 [img]https://video-images.vice.com/articles/609adf9cf51f0e009b61b8a6/lede/1620762691042-bf3000.png?crop=0.8319xw:0.9988xh;0xw,0.0012xh&resize=1200:*[/img]...
You’re welcome, you ungrateful buttplugs...
Agreed I saw the movie as a kid so I hated Upham as a character because I thought he was a coward. Then I grew up and realized that was the point. He was a bookworm. He and Wade are good examples of WWII soldiers, which were a bunch of everyday dudes in a place/situation that they didn't belon...
[quote]will it be the Wolves?[/quote] Nope. It's such a difficult thing that it'll probably be a team that's one of the best in the league and has veteran and playoff experienced stars but played 3 straight awful games....
This bitch [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/DGZVi7pqVq7rq/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952romfv8gvpe23vbty8zbl9c8dd4r9st7pfny2p86b&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
Shoutout to the random Brazilian dude named Kabrutus that basically uncovered DEI in gaming, all because Sweet Baby Inc attacked him for making a private steam group....
[quote] It’s indisputable [/quote] I'm currently disputing this...