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Number of Posts:1065
Registered on:8/27/2014
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Yall keep saying send him to jail he won’t be there long… why does this statement keep getting made? ...
If the team doesn’t have chemistry and firing on all cylinders, no matter how good the talent is, the “team” won’t go very far. ...
No one wanted to listen when I said Johnson isn’t who he says he is. Having a good politician is like finding a needle in a haystack ...

re: He is risen

Posted by 2014Tigers on 3/31/24 at 7:13 am
He gave his only son for us so that we may cleansed of death and live eternally with him in Heaven! ...
It’s not to farfetched to think it was cee eyeee ayyyyy from their rich history of coups they’ve orchestrated since the 50’s...
They’re still busy for oil in Texas, however, NW Louisiana has essentially shut down Natural Gas drilling. Only the rigs that are still drilling for it are working. The others are stacked up. Pretty sad that it was busy busy busy then Biden halted the LNG and it abruptly stopped...
[quote]Republicans are the same[/quote] FIFY...
According to one analyst, Deboer put together the best on field staff in the country. ??...
Do you even know what went into the scenes in John Wick movies?? Keanu literally trained in close quarters shooting and fighting. Those were REAL actions he was performing and real reloads etc. Now, not EVERY shot can be a headshot I agree. But that just adds to how cool the movies are. ...

re: The pope is a heretic

Posted by 2014Tigers on 12/25/23 at 8:42 pm
No I’m saying, they have failed to mention those things. As in, she doesn’t intercede or get your prayers. They think she does. ...

re: The pope is a heretic

Posted by 2014Tigers on 12/25/23 at 12:02 pm
They fail to mention, Mary doesn’t get your prayers, doesn’t intercede between you and God. ...

re: The pope is a heretic

Posted by 2014Tigers on 12/25/23 at 10:21 am
Not only that, they think the pope is infallible. It’s crazy to me. ...
Thank you for explaining it better than I can. I’m trying though lol ...
Speaker of the house Mike Johnson. I should’ve said responsible for pushing the hardest to kill the bill...
It was absolutely morally wrong to kill that many innocent civilians in Japan. I’m not a strategist on how to win wars and such. My whole point is, if you go on national television and in hearings professing your faith and then deny the very thing you have publicly stated(the word of God) then you c...

Mike Johnson Killing the HB 813 Bill

Posted by 2014Tigers on 12/1/23 at 9:48 am
Two weeks ago the House passed HB 813 to abolish abortion in the state of Louisiana. Mike Johnson in large part is responsible for killing this bill. When politicians profess their faith publicly and profess how pro-life they are, in the end rule on the side of: “republicans won’t win elections if ...
You do know that US intelligence shares intelligence with the Taliban, right? ...
Are you an atheist? Agnostic? ...
It’s hard to see what is fact and what is fiction when it comes to the Palestinians being told what to believe by Hamas. ...