Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Interests:LSU Sports, politics
Number of Posts:1250
Registered on:9/9/2014
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Recent Posts

You really need cheap electricity. I imagine that is the highest cost. You also need a lot of water to cool the AC required to cool these facilities. I’ve heard upwards of 1 ton of AC per 100 square feet of space. Somebody else may have more factual data. Nuclear energy may make a big...
Somebody needed to “question” the umps on that double play call in the 2nd. That was almost as bad as the umps inserting themselves in the SC game with the steal of home. ...

re: This the way moving forward

Posted by dovehunter on 5/30/24 at 5:27 pm
Laugh all you want. OJ WAS INNOCENT TOO. ...

re: How good is UNC?

Posted by dovehunter on 5/27/24 at 11:21 am
Great spot. I see us in Tucson in 2 weeks. Then Omaha. ...
Investigative reporter and a good one I’m told. ...
I think jay just showed respect to Milazzo there. The odds would have favored Neal there but I guess the respect factor won out. That TN pitcher threw a great 3rd strike to Larson. He couldn’t do that again in 10 tries. We have bigger fish to fry and I like the temperature of our grease. ...

re: Ack starting per Koki

Posted by dovehunter on 5/26/24 at 11:43 am
Thanks. AJ Russell? What’s his stat line? Is he their ace? ...
They were applying a rule to a situation the SC coach sold them on at least one of them in pregame. The SC coach figured he could steal a run this way. He got away with it but baseball Karma bit him in the arse.....
This is exactly what happened. The SC coach set this up and one of the umps took the bait which is really corrupt. The umps inserted themselves into the game based on a sold assumption that in most cases like this a catcher would step across or on the plate to stop a play like this. Now it’s...

re: Chris Blair call

Posted by dovehunter on 5/25/24 at 8:54 pm
I know it may seem blasphemous but Blair is a much better announcer than Hawthorn. Hawthorn was emotional but his facts were typically very shaky....
Having a rural country retreat is good advice. It lowers your blood pressure better than medicine can. Maximize your contributions to Retirement, HSA’s, any tax exempt accounts, 529 plans for grandkids, etc. Volunteer and pay forward as much as possible as the dividends pay unreal dividends that...
The Italians are concerned he might get re-elected. When I was there the only ones I met love America and love Trump and want and need a strong America. Americans are their primary source of income. They fear Communism, immigrants from Muslim countries and Africa. ...
Heartbreaker for Ole Miss. Furniss had the winning hit until…....
If you own this you are self insured like many folks that own “Camps” along the coast including Grand Isle. Rich people don’t need property insurance. They need liability insurance and a great law firm on retainer.....

re: OT’ers with Generac’s

Posted by dovehunter on 5/14/24 at 11:37 pm
Have a 48kw water cooled unit. 13 years old and never had to do anything except change oil once a year. The extra size and water cooled is the ticket. If that’s too big just buy the smallest water cooled available. Is the 24 water cooled? ...

re: Red light camera tickets

Posted by dovehunter on 5/14/24 at 10:56 pm
Unless it came registered mail and you signed for the alleged ticket you never got it did you? If you didn’t get it you can’t respond now can you? It’s a scam. They can’t hurt your credit rating either because it didn’t happen. ...