Favorite team:New Orleans Pelicans 
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Registered on:10/24/2014
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re: playing the guitar

Posted by carrguitar on 6/7/24 at 1:55 pm
If the question is "what now?", the answer is "don't stop". I have been playing 20+ years and I still am finding new things to learn, new techniques, new all kinds of stuff. There is no stopping point. You just keep adding logs on the fire....
I have nothing of value to add to the conversation, but I just read the entire thread with the West Wing soundtrack on and it was glorious....
From the shadows of the rafters Sting is staring at all of you...
OP left the hook too shiny. Nice try on the humble brag....

re: Monroe vs Alexandria

Posted by carrguitar on 6/6/24 at 8:27 am
[quote]For most of his reign Jamie Mayo was a pretty good to very good mayor. [/quote] I'm gonna have to agree to disagree. I don't place everything on the shoulders of JM, but it's hard to look at all of the resources and locally born businesses that Monroe + surrounding had available to it (fir...
[quote] I heard the guy who plays Arthur isn't doing so hot[/quote] True to form...
Can't wait to add this to my yearly viewing list, right behind Twister....
[quote]Predictable, superfluous melody.[/quote] Were you expecting Periphery or something? It's a country song. Country music (specifically the vein of country music that RT championed) is built on simplicity. And that's the beauty of it....
[quote]They did not explain any of the characters at all. They just jump right in and I guess assume you read the book. If you haven’t read the book, you really have no idea what is behind all the characters.[/quote] Agree with this. I had no idea there was a book associated. Just watched because...
Piping hot take incoming. I think this just reveals that the Nuggets aren't leaps and bounds above everyone like we've been lead to believe. They swept the 800 year old Lakers, but barring two Murray miracle shots and Lebron bricking a wide open three....the series was close and could have gone eith...
Sounds like the 5-6th seed will actually be beneficial to us :lol:...

re: 5 seed tonight with a W

Posted by carrguitar on 2/12/24 at 1:05 pm
Memphis has been kinda like another Jazz situation for us. Not particularly a good team but they seem to have the best of us more times than not. We exercised our Jazz demons last time we played them and set a franchise points record. Would be great to come and blow the doors off of the Grizz tonigh...
I've had this discussion with band mates. I call it the Matchbox 20 dude theory (obviously eliminating Rob Thomas). I want to be the guitar player or drummer or something for Matchbox 20. Get songwriting credits and mailbox money, come up with great hooks and melodies that people will hum along to f...
Not sure I could pick a favorite at the moment, but "Don't Let The Old Man In" is one hell of a swan song... ...

re: Shane Gillis - Beautiful Dogs

Posted by carrguitar on 1/30/24 at 12:54 pm
While I do not think it tops "Killing Me Softly", I do think that it's in the same vein in the sense that I have heard people all over quoting it and dropping lines in the cultural zeitgeist. "Don't cry..." "Mahhhh..." "Where'd you get that cheese, Uncle Danny?" etc...
Glitch in the matrix. The premium board is leaking into the lower-class......
What a business man. "Devils Threeway" is both an accurate description of what he wanted and a great pay-per-view match title....