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Registered on:10/26/2014
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[quote]The Israelis invented these stories.[/quote] So for clarification: - Are you saying just murdering kids is okay as long as you don’t behead them? - How about the Israeli women and coroners, you think they are all lying about the rapes? - Or are you saying no Israeli kids were kille...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by ABearsFanNMS on 6/9/24 at 6:03 pm
[quote]WB Davis[/quote] Typical Prog, highlighting a subject that they are ignorant on. [img]https://i.imgur.com/xdfyo2L.jpeg[/img] [quote]MAGA can denigrate it again for free.[/quote] Maybe it just my nautical Marine Corps background but the world has been flying flag upside down for ce...
[quote]The Israelis are engaging in savagery. That’s why people are complaining.[/quote] Oh for fricks sake…..you sir are absolute gaping gash of a man. The fricking ragheads were holding hostages in their damn houses with their families present. You know damn well if that had been a fricking Marine...
The really funny stuff is all the crying about the Al Jezzera reporter and his family getting lead enemas. Supposedly these “(civilians” per the media and the Raghead junkies) were innocent bystanders that were just keeping a hostage in their house. Sorry, but when you are holding a hostage you are ...
[quote]Anyone wearing an eagle or above is political.[/quote] The best rank as an officer is a terminal LtCol or Colonel. I worked for a guy that got terminaled because he fought to get us Combat Action Ribbons (we should have gotten them for what we did). He was hell on wheels but once he had be...
[quote]Miley can still be court martialed and busted down from a retired 4 star general to colonel with resultant lost of pay.[/quote] They should immediately open an investigation and get to the bottom of all these allegations. It needs to be conducted by an independent group that has some mid l...
[quote]This is just a big cash grab and they plan to stick it to U.S. consumers with their NWO tax plans.[/quote] Nothing proves this more than the Green Cabal not doing a damn thing about China’s and India’s CO2 emissions....
[quote]The students realized it was fake only after noticing that the cops in the room had done nothing to stop the pretend shooter, they said.[/quote] Ummm, did these idiots ever hear of Uvalde?...
Sad thing is half the people attending that snooze-fest are press....
[quote]She isn't wrong.[/quote] She should have said that in the hearing instead of trying to do the gotcha on the dog experiments....
I am a conservative and watched most of that Dog and Pony. She looked foolish at best. Now McCormick was what every Republican should have acted like....
[quote]The Israelis have been gloating about this idea for some time, although the proposed target has varied. They despise the Europeans as much as they hate the Palestinians. They would enjoy doing this to the Spanish.[/quote] Damn, them Jews must be some sneaky Mo-Fos. They got themselves e...
[quote]TejasHorn[/quote] Something tells me that you are one of those UT AssTrain soy boys that protested with their Big Black Dildos (BBD)...
This war has become one of attrition. Thus the hand writing on the wall when looking at which nation has more resources. Unless Ukraine gets the 2nd coming of Rommel to implement a maneuver warfare strategy (with what units/leaders….who knows) they would be smart to start negotiations....
[quote]SixthAndBarone[/quote] Let’s see every single illegal immigrant is breaking the law. Secondly, the job of the president is to protect our citizens against all enemies foreign and domestic. You think his policies have helped to reduce the +70K fentanyl ODs? Lastly, he is in charge of ...
[quote]I know RFK has some left wing policy ideas but hear me out.[/quote] Some? I like the dude but he is way out there on a lot of issues outside vaccine and big Pharma....
I stopped reading when this pussified dork said he believe we should be taxed more! frick him: We pay: - Federal Income Tax - Social Security - Medical Insurance (yes that has become a tax) - State Income Tax - Sales Tax - Home Owners Tax And this dumbass thinks we need to be taxed more!...
[quote]Hamas was spending in excess of 75% of its budget on public works.[/quote] Is that before or after their leaders in Quatar take their 50% cut? [quote]Hitler spent Germany’s money on public works too. Factories. Roads. Infrastructure.[/quote] Hamas would love to copy the Nazi concent...
[quote]Our RB room is hemorrhaging depth. WTH?[/quote] Stay current bro! Go back and read Pete’s posts!...
[quote]You don’t have to support foreign aid to call out Putin’s illegal war on civilians. How can any modern society support this type of blatant aggression on unarmed non-combatants? It’s nothing more than an obvious attempt to shock the populace into submission. [/quote] Ummm, no shite bro! I ...