Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Vestavia, AL
Number of Posts:4825
Registered on:12/30/2014
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[quote]Hillary has no regrets for her part in the Steele Dossier. Harry Reid had no regrets for lying about Mitt Romney's tax returns. As long as they win, and pay no price for their crimes, why should they have any regrets?[/quote] Absolutely. Wonder if they would change their t...
[quote]I'm thinking Palestine since that crowd seems to love them and their flag so much. [/quote]I'm with you. They can then donate some of their earnings to create a flag company, employing poor Palestinian children to make the flags to be sold around the world. In one year they would become the ...
[quote]I bet he and Mika have men over every night raw sacking them both. He's that weird. [/quote] Well, he is a Bama grad.....^H^H^H Oh wait.......
[img]https://preview.redd.it/ooa2ruaapij91.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c98153a25d03bd57f294a78a7b9a0fad5d3eb65e[/img] This is classic, cultivated Russian disinformation... Believe us, we know our stuff !!! Signed by, Jim Clapper Former Director of National Intelligence Former Un...
This woman is more MAGA than many on this forum !!!! A N D [img]https://i.imgur.com/Mfu71YH.gif[/img] ...
Great quote in that twitter feed. [quote]This is what happens when you order a President by mail.[/quote]...
The Bee always delivers! These days, I have to hope the headline belongs to them to avoid being further saddened by the state of the world....
Dear God -- Why Alabama again?...
After watching the video, I have a new idea for a movie. 2025's version of Home Alone where thugs from Bessemer break into young Kevin's home but he's at Gulf Shore with the family....
Art parodying life 50 freekin years ago. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ej4kZtjWkAA6peO.jpg [/img] ...
[quote]Dr Phil for surgeon general? [/quote]Better than Whoopi's insightful Pick [link=(https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/485976-whoopi-pitches-jill-biden-as-surgeon-general/)]Thehill.com[/link] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yT7A6GL.png[/img]...
[quote]TheShmoo [/quote] 100+ quality posts and climbing. Can't imagine who's payroll you are on. ...

re: ESPN is Awful

Posted by captainFid on 6/6/24 at 11:00 am
[quote]ESPN has to get women interested in sports or it’s going to die.[/quote]The harder they push, the more their core audience will drop. I already DON'T follow most professional sporting events/teams anymore, and college is on the edge. Every year, they've gotten less from me and my closest b...
[quote]He’s not that good. He benefited from playing on a roster that was stacked and coached by Nick Saban. [/quote] You and I didn't watch the same games. He only benefited on learning how to get tackled in the pocket, or scrambling for his life as a result of an O-line which was porous as hel...
This may have been a trigger for a few... came out yesterday. [link=(https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13497411/rob-schneider-catholicism-convert-moment-triggered-newfound-faith.html)]Rob Schneider opens up about his conversion to Catholicism[/link] Rob Schneider opens up about his co...
Good. I hope it looks bad on both Presidents... At least no more mean tweets, right. ...

re: Good news for Memphis Tennessee

Posted by captainFid on 6/5/24 at 5:31 pm
Unfortunately, Memphis is now a sh!t-hole country....
[quote]Have no problem with birthright citizenship as long as mom was in the U.S. LEGALLY. [/quote]except for over two decades there have been organized packages to bring visitors to the US just to have a baby.... legally. We have been (for some time now) a popular vacation spot for affluent Chines...
[quote]If this is Biden in front of open doors, I’d hate to see him behind the closed ones. [/quote]And that's the problem liberals - Biden hasn't made any decision as President since the flavor of his ice cream....
[quote]good but no teets [/quote]not wanting to be that guy .... but you left out your comma...