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Location:Houston, TX
Number of Posts:1060
Registered on:1/8/2004
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[quote]It's certainly nothing the state or government did [/quote] Haha I should've known... Thanks for that tidbit of info though, I never knew that!...
This may be kind of odd but I grew up in BR and I can say without hesitation that it has THE BEST tap water in the country by far. I've visited probably 2/3 of the states in this country and live in Texas and I can't even drink the tap water here. Not sure what they're doing to it in BR but I wi...
[quote]No one is pissed, nor is anyone not enjoying the movie because of that reality. They are just lamenting where society is now relative to a time where you could make a truly funny movie without fear reprisal for "feigned outrage". People were just looking for something to make the laugh. Now, ...
Glad I'm not the only one! :cheers:...
Also for the record, I think Rocky III is way more of a tear-jerker than IV. RIP Mickey....
The ending of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles always gets me......
[quote]And it would never get green lit today.[/quote] [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-27-2021/gtsbwK.gif[/img] ...
It's similar... but no base management and you control individual soldiers. It's cool because you can select a soldier and go into Direct Control mode and look down your gunsights/scope/etc to shoot, then zoom back out to control the bigger picture. Lots of micromanagement, but it's an amazing ...
Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront and I love it! (I started a separate thread on it so I don't hijack this one)....

Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

Posted by DesertFox on 3/23/24 at 12:01 pm
Yep, it's a long title but has anyone played this much? I picked it up on the Steam sale last week and it is completely badass. The controls are fiddly at first, but once you start learning the hotkeys and how unit selection works and how to go in/out of Direct Control mode, it's like having the u...
The one scene that always gets me is when he's visiting John Lennon and Lennon tells him "You want a good life? It's not complicated. Tell the girl you love that you love her, and tell the truth to everyone whenever you can." :bow:...
"What's a cigarette?" His friend always cracks me up....

re: Sid Meier's Pirates

Posted by DesertFox on 3/19/24 at 8:14 am
If anyone is interested, this game is part of the current Steam sale and is only $2.49... Definitely worth the hours of fun you can get out of it!...
I actually thought that too until I looked it up. I know they did name Kirby after the lawyer who represented Nintendo in the Donkey Kong lawsuit and I figured this had to be a similar situation... ...
[quote]The boss of Nintendo America is named Bowser? [/quote] LOL that is awesome and apparently just a coincidence, although this guy was destined to work for Nintendo. [link=(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Bowser)]Doug Bowser Wikipedia[/link] [quote]Bowser shares his surname with th...

re: Divinity Original Sin 2

Posted by DesertFox on 1/24/24 at 12:52 pm
[quote]Has anyone played with a controller instead of KB/M? Curious how the game plays if you go the controller route.[/quote] I've played it on both PC and PS5 so have a little experience with both. Although I almost always prefer mouse & keyboard for these types of games, once you get used ...
[quote]DCS is basically true to life sim[/quote] LOL yeah I bought the UH-1H Huey DLC for DCS world and I still haven't mastered the engine startup procedure after hours....
I need to check out War Thunder... heard a lot about it but still never tried it. DCS is a good call too, but be prepared... you would probably be qualified to fly actual fighter jets IRL if you master that one....