Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Wolf Island, MO
Occupation:Mule Skinner
Number of Posts:751
Registered on:2/29/2016
Online Status:Not Online

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I was reared a Methodist and can say that the church was an absolute joke long before it became United Methodist. Those who have now affiliated with the Global Methodists are going nowhere. The Methodist church in my town disassociated with the United Methodists and now calls itself the Fun Church...
Always tear a 50 dollar bill in two and give half of it to the captain. Tell him he will get the other half when he does the final head count....

Hogging Catfish

Posted by MISSOURI WALTZ on 5/18/24 at 9:44 pm
I just learned that hogging catfish is illegal in Missouri and really cannot understand why. If this law is ever enforced then half of the people in my home county will starve to death. [link=(https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/local/no-hook-no-line-no-sinker/article_ee39097f-efc7-5662-9757...
High end? Cajun? Creole? ...
[quote]Old Falstaff keg truck.. '73 was a time when Falstaff was the #2 beer in the country. #1 in the South. [/quote] When I entered LSU in the fall of 1974, everyone and I do mean everyone drank Schlitz....
The day I tagged General Sherman's headstone. Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri. [img]https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/436202593_10224462877979536_3086518150141820570_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=3vw0j2YbEMgQ7kNvgEGWCpB&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=00_Af...
[quote]Griesedieck family took over Falstaff Beer.. [/quote] The extended Griesedieck family had Griesedieck Bros., Falstaff, and Stag. Stag is the only one left standing thanks to the country Germans who drink it because it is cheap....
[quote]irregardless[/quote] Is that "word" in the unabridged OED?...

re: WW2 German POW Camp Ruston LA

Posted by MISSOURI WALTZ on 11/3/23 at 10:10 am
The last escaped German POW surrendered to Bryant Gumbel on Good Morning America. It was sometime in the 1980's....

re: Bloody chicken egg (WYEI?)

Posted by MISSOURI WALTZ on 10/30/23 at 12:58 pm
[quote]I'd feed it back to my chickens.[/quote] Never allow chickens to eat eggs. They will develop a taste and start eating them before they can be collected....
[quote]i don't mind the round up at firehouse. the rest can kick rocks [/quote] When they ask me I always tell them no, but they are free to round down and make a donation themselves....

re: Country Ham

Posted by MISSOURI WALTZ on 8/11/23 at 4:07 pm
The best country ham that you will ever find. [link=(https://www.smokehouse.com/?gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjoHN-cDVgAMVgwbnCh0olAnlEAAYASAAEgKhd_D_BwE)]BURGER'S HAM[/link]...

re: Geographical oddity of the day

Posted by MISSOURI WALTZ on 4/24/23 at 11:11 am
[quote]St. Martin Parish (LA) has an exclave, which can only be reached by going through another county. Fulton County (KY) has one that can only be reached by going through another state.[/quote] That part of Kentucky can only be entered from the south by going through Tennessee, unless you go by ...
[quote]James Longstreet' s greatest victory[/quote] FIFY...
[quote]60 years ago Cairo had a good BBQ place before new bridge and interstate highway[/quote] There were two - Mack's and Shemwell's. Shemwell's is still open. Cairo also had Harper's which was the best Chinese restaurant I've ever been to....
[quote]Alabama has lost 2 games by a combined 3 pts( on the road). [/quote] Alabama is two plays and five points from being 6-4....
I worked with tobacco. Was the deputy director of the tobacco division of the agricultural marketing service at USDA. We were responsible for grading all the tobacco offered at auction in the United States. I loved working with tobacco men but hated working for the government so I quit....

re: Glock Model 43X

Posted by MISSOURI WALTZ on 6/20/22 at 4:10 pm
[quote]Without the aftermarket 15rd mags why 43x? [/quote]Because I wanted a Glock and this one fit my hand....