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Registered on:7/25/2016
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Probably Baton Rouge to DC....
There should be a marker there that says: “At the spot in 1985, a giant among men had to stones to do what 99.99% of the rest of only say would do. Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear trucker hats and shades.”...
They'll both kick it in February 2025 so Trump can give the eulogies. lol "Joe Biden. Terrible guy. Terrible President. Terrible family. Never should have been President. A total loser." "Jimmy Carter. Nice guy. Really nice guy, but a terrible President. Built houses. I know about build...
The image of the Apollo 8 Earthrise is usually presented as seen in the original post. However, the astronauts onboard actually saw it like this: [img]https://airandspace.si.edu/sites/default/files/styles/body_large/public/images/editoral-stories/thumbnails/EL-2001-00365h.jpg?itok=m6iTVijW[/img]...
[quote]Germany's plan for war with Russia[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/hN9QW-JUv14AAAAM/ust-like-old-time-austin-st-john.gif[/img] Operation Barbarossa Part Zwei - Electric Boogaloo...
Wait until he goes in to take a dump, then launch it like a Mexican rocket to the Moon. [img]https://i.imgflip.com/k7g7z.gif[/img]...
Germany has been participating in the D-Day memorial for quiet awhile now. ...
If his name is Donald John Trump, then yes....
Maybe by convention time, Joe will admit he is not well, and does not seek the nomination, and he'll just finish out his term. Big Mike will be nominated, and he'll reluctantly accept, saying he never sought the office but will serve for the good of the nation of some other b.s. Or they drag Gavin...

re: Post your phone wallpaper.

Posted by TheFonz on 6/5/24 at 8:16 pm
[quote]who will Landry appoint to take their positions?[/quote] Hopefully some people who will put Troy Middleton's name back on the god damn library....
Well, if he needs to see you in his office, you get to go to Switzerland. I'd say that a pro....
I think they have her on ice, and waiting for King Chuck to kick it so they can have a two-for-one funeral. Times are tough and they can save the taxpayers a few quid....
[quote]I'm excited to meet some of y'all.[/quote] They may even have special badges for us TD scum! If Trump can win in November, great. But even so, the national government is lost. We need to focus on strong local and state governments that would cooperate with each other to reassert their...
Baseball Hall of Famer Robin Roberts died in 2010. [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR2Qix59ln0Uw9RpezJBnlq5V8_jnUcumoCVg&s[/img]...
[quote]Yep I wanted to see it approach the ISS.[/quote] I think they said it will take around 25 hours for Starliner to catch up with the ISS....