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re: No Employment For White Men

Posted by The Maj on 6/7/24 at 12:41 pm
[quote]"It was his job. He'll get paid for it.'[/quote] Sounds like someone could make a career out of being late.......
Damn and here I thought this was surely The Bee......
[quote]Does insurance cover a Pap test on a dude?[/quote] shite would be painful......

re: No Employment For White Men

Posted by The Maj on 6/7/24 at 12:37 pm
[quote]Homeboy should identify as a queer, non binary trans, neurodivergent Jewish furry and reap all the benefits like all those mentally ill liberals. [/quote] Nah, he should stand his ground as a white male that is not going to take it from the left any longer... Conforming and ignoring thes...
On the question, yes... I would even consider some who are not named Donald Trump... To what the founding fathers stood for... Men have been neutered in this country and have chosen safety/security over standing for what is right... It won't get any better until it all falls apart around us......
[quote]Kind sad when I think at least it’s not a dude. [/quote] Eh, I throw the "you cannot fat shame" in with the start of all this inclusivity crap... We have convinced the population that being fat is beautiful and healthy......
Well, maybe Joe was being controlled by Putin at that point? Or maybe Joe cannot keep the lies straight......
[quote]I’m compelled to buy a pig farm for some reason[/quote] I own stake in two regional landfills…. I have keys to the gate and the equipment… “Like they never existed”…...

re: Illegals just want to work

Posted by The Maj on 6/3/24 at 4:42 pm
Their best isn’t coming here…...
Way too much material is classified any way…. If it doesn’t involve plans, troop movement or weapons system capabilities…. It should not be classified…. Our government operates behind a wall of classification and that was not the intent…...
The entirety of our LE and IC needs to be burned to the ground…...
[quote]I want you to STFU about God. [/quote] Must touch a nerve on you... Never understood if you do not believe, why it bothers you so much?...
[quote]GOP is going to nominate Nikki Haley at the convention[/quote] Well, if they do this it will be over for the party AND the country......
[quote]Republicans will turn on Trump very soon. [/quote] Will not surprise me in the least if the GOPe/Uniparty folks turn on him and even go as far as to suggest he be replaced on the ballot... Doing so will hand the election to the Dems, which is what the GOPe really wants anyway......

re: Civil disobedience

Posted by The Maj on 5/31/24 at 8:09 am
[quote]It’s time to consider state Succession … [/quote] Won't happen unfortunately because it is about all that will cure what ails this country......
[quote]If that happens we'd actually have a [b]sitting US president in prison[/b].[/quote] I know this is your wet dream but you are retarded if you think this is even remotely possible......
[quote]forcing unwanted decisions on everyone else[/quote] Find another church, one that is grounded in Biblical teachings and not willing to bend to the whims of the world......
[quote]They could condense that one to ‘the [b]slofro[/b]’[/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/xr9AQyxLtjlx4IeYtN/200w.gif?cid=6c09b95245j8x4mejggmcm1yjw1dxe8nf1zg8hh80akbqqam&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]It's so obvious that Trump is a HUGE flight risk and is a danger to others. He very well could be armed and it is well documented that he grabs women by the pu$$y and shoots people for fun on Pennsylvania Avenue with no repercussions.[/quote] You forgot tries to seize control of the beast ...
[quote]It’s already been proven that it won’t cause society to fall apart[/quote] Where has this been proven?...