Favorite team:Boise State 
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Registered on:9/19/2016
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Those are IDF reservists. They're required to keep their weapon with them when "on call" as it were. Source: The IDF Officers I worked with in Tel Aviv....
Only 8% of prisoners in the US are held in privately owned prisons. ...
[quote]I don’t think leftist hate Jews. They hate western civilization [/quote] This. They're Marxist, period, and their goal is the utter destruction of western civilization. So anyone who is trying to destroy western civilization is also their friend, hence the hardon for palestinians and ham...
Best: Heidelberg, Germany. Walking out the door of my apartment, turning the corner, and jumping on the Strassenbahn to the Altstadt every weekend was awesome. I had a helluva lot of fun before I became a company commander. What a kick in the dick that was. :lol: Worst: Fort Bliss, TX. Base...
[quote]I've seen some HUGE ASSED women with cottage cheese thighs really put the span in Spandex. [/quote] [embed]https://x.com/Hackers_bot/status/1295290802755837953[/embed]...

re: WTF is wrong with this world?

Posted by Centinel on 6/6/24 at 10:46 pm
[quote] It's illegal in every state for minors to have surgery to remove their dick.[/quote] Are you saying gender-affirming care is illegal in all states? Because I hope you aren't actually making this claim. And yes, penis removal is considered "gender affirming care" ...

re: WTF is wrong with this world?

Posted by Centinel on 6/6/24 at 9:57 pm
[quote]Corinthians420[/quote] You're wearing this right now, don't think we don't know. [img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/-E4AAOSwyv9kZuNi/s-l1200.webp[/img]...
[quote]crewdepoo[/quote] I'd say you had your dad at your latest interview, but we all know you don't know who your dad is. ...
[quote]I personally drive two under no matter where I'm at[/quote] I'm sure the father of your wife's kids appreciate you being safe with his offspring....
That's enough internet for you tonight paw paw. Go ahead and drink your Ovaltine and head to bed. ...
You seem gay. And not in the good way....
[quote]Men are competitive and thrill seeking. Women are not. generally.[/quote] Good on the qualifier, because I know some batshit insane female kayakers. :lol:...

re: Service Dogs for Vets

Posted by Centinel on 6/6/24 at 9:01 pm
[quote]I do not, and like anything else, I’m sure the program is very much taken advantage of.[/quote] It is. Much like VA disability....
Still following this post. Wife has decided that next year's vacation is to Vietnam :lol: Going to take about ten days and hit up the Saigon area, then up to Cambodia and Angkor Wat. ...
I actually found it a few times in season at Whole Foods in Columbia, SC of all places. ...
[quote]Say what you want, but I hate that pig huntin shite[/quote] Spoken like a man who has no acreage in the southwest/southeast US. [quote]Idaho[/quote] I bet you live in the north end, don't you? Staunch McClean supporter too right? ...

re: The new/real Tornado Alley

Posted by Centinel on 6/6/24 at 8:30 pm
I see the mods are busy on this post. :lol:...

re: A Man Wins Miss Maryland USA

Posted by Centinel on 6/6/24 at 8:25 pm
Just further proof that men are better than women at everything, even being women. ...