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Registered on:11/1/2016
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[quote]Trump Will Suspend The Constitution[/quote] Biden bragged about how even though the Supreme Court was going to rule the forced vax to work mandate was against the constitution, by the time they make the ruling it won't matter....
[quote]viciously attack[/quote] Stop being a pussy....
[quote]Because the GOPE has pushed that and...[/quote] :lol: And you think populists support the GOPE? Holy shite......

re: New Trump ad on Biden age

Posted by Azkiger on 6/9/24 at 7:42 pm
[quote]need to see the debates first haven't made my mind up.[/quote] What stances on what issues are you waiting to hear before you decide?...
[quote]is on record saying you can sexually assault women if you're famous enough.[/quote] False. He said women let you grab them by the pussy. Do you know what the word "let" means?...
[quote]You're wasting your breath trying to argue that it's unjust to massacre over two hundred Palestinians rescuing four Israeli hostages; Israel supporters would have been happy if the number was over two million. They simply do not regard Palestinians as human beings. You may as well say they ha...
[quote]The Israelis are engaging in savagery. That’s why people are complaining.[/quote] No, you're just a blubbering pussy that would let terrorists operate with impunity because they're holding their own people hostage....
[quote]Y'all should have considered his failure in 2020 and 2024.[/quote] I don't consider the budget a failure unless Trump have enough votes in the Senate/House to accomplish something. While it's true virtually everyone agrees our government spends too much, virtually no one can agree on wh...
[quote]At the minimum, dates of service, which is a HIPAA-protected category of PHI.[/quote] If the name is redacted, who's privacy are you violating?...
Still waiting to hear how traditional conservatives are warm to big corporations......
Populism - a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups. Considering the above, how are traditional conservatives in danger of oligarical influences? Do you think traditional conservatives are warm to bi...
[quote]Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora was killed during the raid. (IDF)[/quote] o7...
[quote]frick off[/quote] Did the facts hurt your feelings?...

re: Global warming - Physics approach

Posted by Azkiger on 6/8/24 at 5:45 am
[quote]Ah yes, you know more than the tens of thousands of Harvard, Stanford, MIT grads that have studied this for decades studying each and every intricate detail that goes into it. Remind me which one you graduated from and which program you're studying climate change again at?[/quote] They all...

re: Global warming - Physics approach

Posted by Azkiger on 6/8/24 at 5:36 am
[quote]There is no arguing whether the earth has or hasn't increased temp and CO2 since 1900. CO2 levels have objectively increased from 250 to 400 to 430 ppm, and temp has increased 2.5 deg F. That is objective. Not theory. They are tied hand and hand.[/quote] There is no arguing whether the ear...

re: Global warming - Physics approach

Posted by Azkiger on 6/8/24 at 5:21 am
[quote]Yea this simply isn't true at all. We have increased CO2 level by 60% since industrial revolution and temp has increased 2.5 degree F world wide. You're off by about 100x on your doubling CO2 increases 0.04 F.[/quote] Why are you assuming 100% of the temperature change is due to CO2?...

re: Global warming - Physics approach

Posted by Azkiger on 6/8/24 at 5:18 am
[quote]So adding more CO2 could increase temps then?[/quote] So the current state of the climate is as bad as its going to get? Yes, let's upend our way of life and our economy so the 3 or 4 extra 100 degree days are 99 or 98 instead......

re: Tractor Supply gone woke?

Posted by Azkiger on 6/8/24 at 4:58 am
Wanting to shop elsewhere isn't cancel culture. Cancel culture is drumming up help on social media to get someone fired, try to get that same person's spouse to leave them, try and get their bank to drop them, etc. Cancel culture targets individuals and does so on a personal level....
[quote]Is there any red line you think they shouldn't cross?[/quote] Geneva Convention places civilian deaths on the combatants who purposefully hide amongst civilians, not those who engage combatants who hide amongst civilians. There's a very obvious reason for this. Is there any other red...