Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Greenbrier, AR
Number of Posts:54237
Registered on:11/25/2006
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[quote]Our first EVER presidential conviction is over paying a hooker with some campaign funds. Yeah...sure...[/quote] Meanwhile Ted Kennedy is rolling over in his grave laughing in what a real crime he committed and got away with looks like....
[quote] 5 mg limit [/quote] Might as well take nothing at all then. The 25 mgs. I take are more the dosage that I like....
[quote]Maga cult mindset summed up in one paragraph, how deranged can you possibly be?[/quote] You really think someone who is deranged can express their mindset in one short paragraph? You don't have enough spare time on your hands to read about my mindset but thanks for the accolade anyway....
Maybe it's time for gun manufacturers to start suing school systems and local governments for allowing such shootings to happen when there are measures instituted to prevent such shootings on the basis of by the failure of these measures being implemented slanderous lawsuits arise against the gun ma...
When college kids are finally smart enough to figure out the government, as a whole, is not there friend then just maybe the political tide will turn for this country....
[quote]Bad call[/quote] Technically it was a no call. That's why I cussed like a sailor when it happened....
[quote]Make no mistake, this surge in popularity in women's basketball does not exist without Caitlin Clark. But it also doesn't exist without Angel Reese. [/quote] One is easy to look at, the other not so much. [img]https://wwd.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/wnba-draft-2024-live-updates.jpg?w...
[quote]Nikki Haley says she'll vote for Trump[/quote] She's just looking for another cabinet post of some irrelevance to be appointed to just to draw a paycheck on the taxpayer's teat....
[quote]but they've been to law school (higher education) where potential judicial candidates are "cleansed" of their natural biases and trained to be objective[/quote] Objectivity, i.e., an opinion. is nothing but a bias. When two different judges rule differently on one specific argument then wh...
[quote]If judges are competent, see things impartially, and impart the law equitably[/quote] There's the crux of a judgeship - they aren't. If you're a human it's human nature that you have biases np matter how many times you say you don't....
[quote] "NPR is not liberal" [/quote] :rotflmao:...

re: Describe LSU team in 3 words

Posted by Homesick Tiger on 5/22/24 at 11:49 am
[quote] 3 words[/quote] Say it three times. [img]https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/amazing-ants-carry-fruit-heavier-than-their-bodies-amazing-strong-ant_488145-2669.jpg[/img]...
[quote]It's almost like the founders knew something.[/quote] The electoral college is another example of wise men knowing more about national politics than your average man on the street does....
My Tundra is 21. It's old enough to drink....
[quote]Honestly it looks pretty split between red and blue states.[/quote] Color blindness is a real thing. You need to make an appointment to see your eye doctor, soon....
[quote]Caitland Clark has done sonething that only Michael Jordan has done.[/quote] Play on a team that is 0-4 in their first professional season?...
[quote] Luntz [/quote] I'm all in for Mr. MAGA but Luntz is a puntz. He's like a smelly fart - he wafts whichever way the wind is blowing....
[quote]WNBA loses 10 million dollars every year.[/quote] And the NBA owns fifty percent of the WNBA. Shows you how lucrative the NBA is when they can just flush down the toilet millions of dollars just for the sake of appearing woke....
[quote]a substance found in hemp which can provide a “high” when consumed.[/quote] I much prefer to be around people who are high on hemp than people who are drunk on alcohol. All the difference in the world....