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[quote]Most people on the coast already get subsidized insurance via the NFIP[/quote]Not anymore. See “risk rating 2.0”...
[quote]Well, how does that encourage new insurers to come in if they can actually drop fewer policies over time?[/quote]Why would a new insurer even want to come in if their plan is to drop policies in large numbers anyway? Its about having the option to decide which policies are bad risks and get o...
[quote]We're gonna need a Homeowner's Insurance Cancellation board when it does...[/quote]No you won’t. The new law says a company can only non-renew a maximum of 5% of their total policies in any particular parish per year. Which I’d argue means that there’s fewer policies that would be eligible...

re: "The hair don't lie."

Posted by Tiger Prawn on 5/31/24 at 2:30 pm
Bunch of little travel ball baws gonna have purple and gold stripes in their hair this summer :bow: :geauxtigers:...
[quote]He’s doing it to stay in office. He will still caucus with the Democrats 100% of the time[/quote]He's not running for re-election. Announced he was retiring from the senate months ago because he knew he had no shot to get re-elected. He got elected with 60% in 2012 but barely got re-electe...
[quote]The Book of Boba Fett - meh[/quote] Meh is being too nice They fricked this show up big time. Boba went from being the baddest bounty hunter in the galaxy in all prior media to being some washed up sheriff type character. The best parts of his own show were once Din showed up halfway throu...

re: Insurance liability question

Posted by Tiger Prawn on 5/30/24 at 10:14 pm
Regardless of it being a company vehicle and all, the homeowner ran into a stationary object. The driver in motion is at fault. Your cousin should be filing a claim against the homeowner’s auto insurance (but probably shouldn’t expect a 5 star review from the roofing job anymore :lol:)...

re: Scoot on WWL is an idiot

Posted by Tiger Prawn on 5/30/24 at 9:57 pm
The presiding judge having donated to Trump’s primary political opponent’s campaign should have been grounds for recusal to any neutral observer. That wasn’t a jury of Trump’s peers. That was a jury in a district that went 95% for Biden. He was never getting a fair shake in a venue where the pot...
Were there not already laws on the books that prohibited people from interfering with cops performing their duties or making an arrest? This just adds an arbitrary 25’ boundary and will probably get overturned when someone challenges it in court....
[quote]The possibility exists he will take over my side business by the time he gets out of college. At that point, he doesn't make a "wage" so he won't have to pay SS taxes. I'm going off of memory and haven't looked at this stuff in a while.[/quote]Self employed people still have to pay FICA taxes...
[quote]Does the state fine and track down people who buy one month of insurance then not pay the next 5 months but keep the ID card?[/quote]Yes. Insurance companies electronically report to the DMV based on VIN # when they start or stop insuring a particular vehicle. That’s how the DMV flags people ...
[quote]you can call it what you want but going after the makers of a violent video game on the insinuation that it triggers psychopaths is the definition of going after a root cause. You can disagree as to whether it was but it’s still going after what they believe the root cause to be[/quote]Pyscho...
[quote]The issue, my son doesn't have a social security number. The manager said "that's impossible, he has to have one. He can't do anything without it." For the record, there is no law requiring you to sign up for social security. It's a shockingly bad investment. Yes, my son has a passport and...
They're worried what would happen if Trump becomes president and the Republicans control the House and Senate? Its like these dumbasses don't even realize that Trump had a GOP controlled House and Senate in his first 2 years in office and they didn't do shite. Even if the Republicans control both...
[quote]300km is about 200 miles. That isn’t that great.[/quote]300 km is just the removable capsules. The main tank gets 500 km, roughly 300 miles. So combined 800 km (500 miles). Thats pretty decent. And refilling the hydrogen tank should be on par timewise with pumping gasoline or diesel instea...
By your own ULM example, revenue tripled and the increase in scholarship expenses and coaching salaries both went up fairly proportionately at close to 3.5x each Facilities and maintenance went up about 7x but $142k seems awfully low to maintain a football stadium, basketball arena, baseball stad...
[quote]you can see 3rd hustling over to 2nd[/quote]You’re really stretching it to say the 3rd baseman was hustling at any point in that video...
[quote] So, the poor person has to find a ride to the OMV to turn in the plate[/quote]You can cancel a registration / license plate on the DMV’s website without having to turn in the actual plate. Takes 30 seconds....
Its going to be pitched as a way for schools to fund direct payments to players that’ll be coming soon without having to cut non-revenue sports to fund it. Remember that while football rakes in huge profits, that money subsidizes most other sports. Only a handful of athletic departments turn a n...