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Location:Where I lay my head is home.
Biography:Highly accomplished shitposter on the Political Talk board and decorated veteran of the 2016 Meme War.
Interests:Fishing and shitposting, occasionally providing relevant content to topics.
Occupation:Terminally preoccupied.
Number of Posts:25113
Registered on:12/7/2016
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Recent Posts

[quote]Donald Trump suggests prosecution is coming for the 51 intelligence "experts" who lied about the Hunter Biden story.[/quote] Oh boy. There's gonna be some really salty puckered buttholes in the disinformation "intelligence" community, including the most evil, arrogant, ugly motherfricker with...
[quote]Carrington Event Geomagnetic solar storm The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking on 1–2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in multiple te...
[quote]Reminds me of the one group on the prepper show they cancelled. Their prep was they were going to take everyone else's stuff.[/quote] They'll be known as "marauders" and they will do well, especially initially, in preying upon the weak and helpless. Eventually though, they will face the...

re: New Trump ad on Biden age

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 6/9/24 at 6:30 pm
[quote]Probably so. A 45 year old Ron DeSantis would have been quite a contrast to Biden.[/quote] Your point is valid, but if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle. It is what it is....

re: New Trump ad on Biden age

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 6/7/24 at 4:01 pm
Trump is too close in age for this to not be easily turned around against him, even though he only used Biden's own words. Age isn't the problem. I've said a million times that my grandfather lived to 94 and was mentally as sharp as a razor up until the very moment he passed. Trust me, he would...
[quote]She was fired for being an incompassionate piece of filth.[/quote] If that were a universally fireable offense, Washington D.C. would be a ghost town. ...
[quote]Tmcgin[/quote] JFC dude, you're literally about to vote for a senile pedo who took showers with his preteen daughter and you want to go [i]there?[/i] I'm not even going to bother down voting. I'm sure the board will speak for me....
[quote]Did Judge Merchan determine that the payments should have been labeled as campaign expenses, or did the jury come to that conclusion on their own?[/quote] The whole thing from jury selection through the verdict was just a big fun game of Calvinball. It's gonna be even more interesting to wat...
[quote]Evacuation of citizens and food rationing: Plans for mass evacuation and ensuring one hot meal per day through rationing.[/quote] This is where people who have prepped long term food stores for years are smiling. People in line will be waiting for their one meal per day of horrible beans...
[quote]BREAKING: El Paso DA reveals that 214 illegal aliens who rioted at the border in March had **ALL** charges DISMISSED.[/quote] We're they deported with explicit instructions to NEVER return? If so, I'm fine with this. My bet though, is they're currently down the road from me somewhere in c...
[quote]I'd bet a lot more than $100[/quote] This Bidenomics thing has made my arse broke. Can't afford more than 100$ at this point. :lol:...
[quote]Hmmm, this looks like a really great defense these days. If men can identify as women, women can identify as men, and the obese can identify as beautiful, then why can't drug users identify as non addicts?[/quote] Whether or not he "identified" (a progressive nomenclature buzz word) as an ad...
[quote]They didn’t steal anything,” Nina recalled. “They said like, ‘We own the street. We own the street. You can’t walk around.’ I was wearing like a nice dress and heels. Like I was out on the date with my husband, and they dragged my dress on the ground, and they said, like, ‘we own the street. ...
[quote]Milliken, who said her goal was to just make the top 10, has inspirational words for young women after her win. "No matter what your body looks like, no matter where you come from, you can do anything you set your mi-" ...[i]sorry, ladies and gentlemen. she seems to have suffered a fat...
[quote]think they've always been legal as long as you don't call them flamethrowers.[/quote] Yeah, I've got a couple "brush burners" in the garage....
[quote]is that a place we should look to retire?[/quote] America's trajectory is trending down. Like, straight down. Even if somehow Trump manages to overcome the entirety of the system and fraud that is being weaponized against him to prevent him from reclaiming his crown, I feel it only gives us ...

re: Did Joe Biden poop himself?

Posted by TigerAxeOK on 6/6/24 at 5:26 pm
[quote]Biden Drops First Bomb On Normandy In 80 Years [/quote] JFC I feel horrible for laughing at that but goddammit that was GOLD!...
[quote]Jill Biden comes off as not caring about Joe as much as she cares about power. [/quote] She's a Biden. Even if a Biden only by name, that's all they care about....
[quote]Don't forget - Trump called war dead "losers"[/quote] Have you forgotten that Biden confused his wife and sister for one another to their faces? Have you forgotten that Biden tells us every day that his delusional version of "economics" is working? Have you forgotten that Biden said "T...
[quote]Too many words for most here.[/quote] I have the gift of Internet gab, often to my detriment. It's a stark contrast when juxtaposed against my IRL antisocial, truncated and blunt personal interactions. ...