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Location:So many to kill, so little time
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Registered on:11/29/2006
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[quote]Republicans have given us book bans[/quote] False. No books have been banned. Schools have decided that some books are not appropriate for their student body. That is not a ban. [quote]abortion bans endangering girls' and women's lives, [/quote]abortion has not been banned. It has been ret...
[quote]attempted coup [/quote] That was a really sad attempt at a coup swing as how no one showed up armed and they were more interested in taking photos and walking out with a lectern [quote]voluminous boxes of classified documents[/quote] You mean the ones that the FBI has had to admit they ...
[quote]What do you MAGA cult members think?[/quote] I think: 1. How do you have a jury in a state court make a determination based on federal election law? Especially when the judge doesn’t allow the expert to detail what that law actually is. 2. How do you charge them to judge on a tax issue ...
[quote]Someone should have told NY to STFU.[/quote] They did. SDNY refused the case. DOJ refused the case. This blowhard just figured he was above it all and a NY jury was an easy win. ...
I’m wondering if he relapsed again. If so, it may have been suicide. Pretty convenient he sent his assistant out and when the assistant guy back, found him dead. So sad. Addiction is brutal. ...
1. Twice I’ve seen car wrecks where one of the vehicles flipped over; 2. Saw a guy walk up and shoot another guy point blank; 3. Saw my mom die of a heart attack sitting next to me on a plane. ...
This is nothing new. It’s just repackaged Primal Scream Therapy, which has been around since the 70s. Just more expensive and in a better setting. ...
It amazes me that this is such a controversy. He didn’t say anything controversial. If you don’t want kids and family, then he wasn’t talking to you. I know plenty of bat shite crazy left wingers who went through hell to have kids. Fertility drugs, in-vitro and adoption. Yet they seem to get all upse...
I had Oreos and a Diet Coke. Because balance. ...
I’m pretty sure it was one of those White House tourists (who just took a wrong turn) and left it there. You just can’t trust tourists these days. ...
Is Biden going to driving the bus? That’s about the only way I see ole Sleepy Joe taking Trump anywhere. ...

re: What did y’all get your mom?

Posted by NoHoTiger on 5/12/24 at 12:59 pm
Mom is gone. Got my sister a bread maker she has been wanting from my niece. Also make chicken and dumplings and red velvet cupcakes at her request. Just chillin today. ...

re: Saw Steel Magnolias tonight

Posted by NoHoTiger on 5/9/24 at 7:28 pm
One of my all-time faves. I have a t-shirt that reads “I slapped Ouiser Boudreaux” I wore it to work one day. No one got it. And that made me sad. ...
We don’t push my niece. She’s still in elementary school. So, we have time. But she mentions things like going to culinary school. We will support whatever she wants to do. There are high schools where you can get your diploma and an Associate’s in 4 years and one of the associate degrees is in ...
Some of us are stuck here because of jobs and extended family. We’d peace the frick out of we could. And are actively toward it. ...
[quote]Rope and zip ties?[/quote] Now it’s a party!!...

re: Where’s Biden?

Posted by NoHoTiger on 5/1/24 at 2:31 am
I’m pretty sure he’s off eating ice cream with Howard Stern and Seth Myers. ...
Looks like it’s about to get exciting. I’m waiting for the gun shots to start. ...