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Registered on:4/12/2017
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[quote]fomenting a soft coup[/quote] Give me a break…...
Trump definitely isn’t a messiah, but he’s no more of a conman than Biden, Bush, Obama, Clinton, et al. He’s just not as good at hiding it....
You shouldn’t, but go ahead and have an intern go down on you in the Oval Office....
When you’re protected by the police union you can probably get away with it....
His heirs [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/l2QEbrEQECr3FIaSQ/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952vgrl02mz6nw24uqke3nowqnbise4kubb4fozwo13&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
As the driver said, I think “homeless drug addict” may be a more accurate description....
I thought the initial stories said he “attached” himself to the car then hit it with his flashlight after that. Was he “dragged” prior to this video?...
[quote]been told the best prospects were female[/quote] Maybe a transwoman someday. ...
You don’t need audio to see him charging the trooper....
That cop was black, but he wasn’t the one carrying out the arrest....
[quote]Cop was black.[/quote] Was he for sure? I thought the black cop in the video seemed like he could be a supervisor and not necessarily the one who started it all....
“Hi, I’m the number one ranked golfer in the world and I just got arrested in Louisville. Will you represent me?”...
[quote]Now they are saying he is getting a police escort back. [/quote] Has to be the first time someone with a pending assault charge against an officer then immediately gets a police escort....
[quote]Imagine still using the term bootlicking lol[/quote] Is “sucking off” better?...
[quote]Really odd I'm not seeing anybody saying he should've complied[/quote] Some have. I’m guessing you haven’t read much background though....
[quote]The folks are too busy sucking off a rich golfer [/quote] So the same act that you’re performing, just a different party on the receiving end?...
[quote]In May of 2024, he was arrested for not backing the blue while driving to a tournament.[/quote] Someone already updated his Wikipedia page....