Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:S W Alabama
Biography:Typical middle class stuff
Interests:Music, politics, football
Occupation:Green industry
Number of Posts:6861
Registered on:9/20/2017
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That's beautiful, man! There's still some good in this crazy world we're living in....
[quote]Boomers are the most self serving generation of all human history[/quote] If by self serving you mean: industrious, plans for the future and provides for their family, chances are you'd be correct....
Voting for Biden again would be like the Titantic backing up and ramming the iceberg again. :spank:...
Many here are addicted to the hopium. The Left aren't back on their heels; they aren't on the defensive. They're relentless in the goals they're pursuing, and will go to any length to attain them. They have the MSM, the courts, the IRS, the Intelligence Agencies, Hollywood; the entire apparatus, wo...
This what happens when you're willing to destroy your country to rain in power....
Trump will never get anywhere near that percentage of black male votes; they know who signs their "pay checks"....
When it comes to organized crime, I'll take the Mafia over ther DOJ....
I appreciate your concern and outrage, but the Dems and RINOs couldn't care less about any of this. They're in The Club. In order for them to retain their privilaged status, they must, at all costs, protect The Club. It's ALL that matters. ...
D.C. is beyond saving as long as "criminals are victims" is the prevailing mindset. Judge needs to have one of these misguided "yoots" ask him for his car at a 10 P.M. stoplight....
The beginning of the end has begun. Despite all of the bluster and misguided cheerleading from the West, there is little that can be done to protect the Ukrainians from Russia. NATO deployment to Ukraine? The height of misguided and dangerous folly. Everyone that encouraged Kiev to take on the Rus...
The game is rigged....100%....
Is there ANY actual evidence that Trump broke ANY laws? After 8 years, as bad as the Left wants to get him, you'd think ìf there were ANY evidence of wrongdoing, Trump would already be convicted and behind bars. :dunno:...
In 2020, I remember the economy humming along nicely, with record low minority unemployment and barely a trickle of illegal immigration. I thought Trump was a shoe in for reelection and wondered what the DNC, corporatocracy and legacy media would do to turn things in their favor. BOOM! Covid. Th...
93%...God bless West Virginia....
Anyone who thinks that the $61 billion for Ukraine will intimidate Putin, raise your hand. Now, go sit in the corner. :spank: [link=(https://www.aei.org/op-eds/putin-isnt-scared-of-ukraines-61-billion-boost/)]aei.org[/link] [quote][b]American aid will undoubtedly bolster Ukraine’s defenses....
In the past immigrants came here wanting to be a part of a political philosophy, and with hard work, anyone could have the American Dream. They wanted to be Americans. The gate crashers we have coming here today have no interest in the American Dream, and no desire to be American....
Happy for you man! I made every mistake in the book as a husband and father. The ONLY thing I did right was to put my family and myself in Jesus' hands....