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Cruz needs to be AG. He would never pass Dem Congressional muster but could serve as a ‘temporary’ appointment. Trump should fire/replace every single Fed District Attorney Generals on day one. They are rotten to the core and a first step toward any hope of systemic reform. ...
Having read most of this Thread, I think it’s obvious where we are. Watch the Wahlburg Movie “Shooter” to know that some forms of Justice cannot be implemented within a corrupt System. Like a ‘Church’, or any group or Nation, the relative virtue therein is no better than the character of those who f...
“Stifle competition “ sums it up. Transnational Progressivism is the most extensive moral and practical ideology ever imagined by human society. The overreaching idea is that Humanity must soon abandon the ‘competition‘ axiom which has forever dictated the survival and relative affluence of the huma...
Central Bank printing money and Woke Marxist Dems handing it out is virtually unbeatable. Punitive policy for Corporations who don’t play ball. Fascism in effect. ...
Not yet. He’s not lying this time. ...
The Left has virtually spit in the face of MAGA, but no violent response. Honestly I don’t think they care who starts the meltdown just as long as it gets going. The certainly imported the right folk for that. ...
The likelihood that the MIC is working on a particular virus and that Big Pharma is working on a ‘vaccine’ for said virus, concurrently, speaks volumes. While it makes perfect sense in one way, it speaks to the worst in humanity in another. Greed and the lust for power has no.boundaries. ...

re: Tractor Supply gone woke?

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 6/7/24 at 10:40 pm
TS had better think about Bud Light and ask their self it it's worth it. ASAP, before this stuff goes viral....
This Lady expresses exactly the feeling that I've had since the whole Trans thing. Since reading "The Transhumanist Wager" years back, and with the new UFO info seemingly validating the idea that we are being observed, if not manipulated (for good or bad who knows) by some form of higher intellect B...
I have zero comprehension re what the “my pronouns “ thing means. I can understand the idea that a man posing as a woman might want to be called “she”, but WTH is the plural “they/their” thing mean. The world is going insane. Mother Nature will handle this if Jesus don’t. Both most likely. ...
Biden’s rhetorical skills are a notch below his cognitive ability. His delivery is as fake as his character. He’s a great and proper example for those that support him. ...
Biden’s Deep State Globalists pull the German’s chain and they jump to the Muh Russia narrative. Election year drama. Albeit if they keep pushing Putin they’ll be like Ukraine, Putin and Israel are a lot alike, they don’t take much crap. If Germany is stupid enough to let the Globalists goad them in...
It’s “weekend at Bernie’s “ and the Dem electorate doesn’t care whose celebratory corpse they drag around. Few will vote for the idiot Kamala but Speaker Johnson and the RINOs will damn sure bow to her Office. Minus a massive and unriggable vote Kamala will be taking the Oath. ...
Ha ha. They have nothing left; as they have “cried wolf” so many times that only idiots or partisan TDS fools still believe the MSM. Poor James. Not a happy person. He earns it. ...
If the US/NATO keeps amping up their attacks into Russian via Ukraine, then Russia is going to amp up direct attacks as well. At some point, the talk and mind games and bluffing always fails, it's all in and the cards are laid on the table. The days of US arrogance and power are over. One Bioweap...
Like all the Islamists and CCP/Marxist Ops coming across the Border will abide by the law. Or the Urban heathen gang/cartel thugs. No responsible parent or community member will give up their protection from the above. The Left is trying to push it to open rebellion wherein they can use the MSM t...
And just what warm bodies are going to shoot those weapons, full well knowing that sooner or later the US always cuts and runs and leaves its 'ally' to the wolves. There won't be enough of Ukraine left to make gravy with if the Dems/RINOs continue their suicidal policy. Same here for that matter...
So what. Barr damn well knew that the Hunter Laptop/Russian Disinformation letter that was signed by Intel High Ups was election interference fraud. It is what put Biden over the top and in office, nws all the harvested and illegitimate voter ballots. Barr is complicit, or at the least malfeasant...
Listened to a bold caller on Hannity radio today saying essentially that Republicans must fight fire with fire and answer Lawfare in kind. Hannity took the platitudinous sure loser high ground but cut the guy short. Just like Fox they have a line where they compromise in order to stay on air and out...
Cannon should receive the Medal of Freedom. She’s literally saving the Republic while many others hide under their desks. I hope to be this kind of person some day. ...