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Location:Forgotten coast
Number of Posts:503
Registered on:3/14/2018
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They come to this area if the panhandle to breed every year in June. We are stacked up with bulls right now. ...
Wonder what the allah snack bar was at the end?...
I live a couple counties over (gulf). Every mouth breather hill billy in the area wants to exterminate the sharks more than ever. Smh...
Have an upvote sir. shite is out of control ...
Russia will ll let Crimea be leveled and everyone there killed before they let it go. Ukraine should stop thinking about Crimea. ...
Welcome back. Excellent question. It's been nauseating for the past 10-20 pages. I get the Ukrainian side of info from this thread, of which there has been little to none. ...
Paywall or something. Cannot read it ...
crayfish[i]crayfish[/i] Wth man?...
Sorry, in what way was the CIA involved, precisely? Don't really have a dog in y'alls particular fight on this one, but I would imagine that that is classified. If they weren't, they really missed the mark. Kinda what they do and all...
When Lee B clocks in he's fitna give you the business ...
Have a caterpillar 6500 k. It can run sensitive electronics and appliances without harm. About a grand...
I think that map shows Crimea in Ukraine's control. Could be wrong. Not terribly great with geography ...
I've said it before,and I'll say it again. Whatever a government official says, you can almost be certain the opposite is true. It's almost as if they are incapable of telling the truth. I get that this is a sensitive thing, but if you don't want it out, don't let it leak the same week you say the o...
Will the F16's be able to carry those?...
I'm sure they know how to really build one. ...
Do you get paid by the word or post?...
Nothing against your post.. I remember just a few short year s ago Twitter was an unacceptable citation. Crazy how things change so quickly. ...
Has been, for thousands of years. Not really sure it can be called a trend at this point. One of those bog bodies they found some years back had more than a hundred, and was 30k years dead...
Not the popped I was hoping for ...