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Registered on:3/21/2018
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I’m pretty sure South Park has ready covered this....
[quote]Tax withholding was one of the greatest scams foisted on the American public. A prime example of the slow boiling frog. If every taxpayer was required to write a check on April 15, they'd hang every senator and congressman the next day.[/quote] I’ve always thought you should have to write ...
[quote]She sounds like an idiot, Hank.[/quote] Glad to know I’m not the only one that thought this was Hank. ...
[quote]That's a stretch to call it foul play. This is like when negligence turns into gross negligence. Nothing like "foul play" (Which involves intentionality)[/quote] I think that you're most likely correct. What I don't understand is why they are so quick to dismiss foul play. They have to k...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by midnight_chopper on 4/11/24 at 10:26 pm
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GK286SvW4AAYPTw?format=png&name=small[/img] I didn’t think that food was included in the inflation calculation because it is too volatile. ...
[quote]Nowhere in my post did I say that. But is that not the reality you understand? I certainly think that goes on.[/quote] I wouldn’t expect you to come out and admit that you are ok with it. However, you seem to blame the person being spied upon for not knowing the corrupt agencies are prob...
[quote]We know his teenage son knows about his porn habits; is it far-fetched to think the NSA doesn’t?[/quote] Different thread and yet, once again, you show you have no problem with government agencies spying on people. Just so long as it’s your enemy....

re: Tucker Commentary on FISA

Posted by midnight_chopper on 4/10/24 at 9:18 pm
[quote]If the last four years haven't shown you that our federal government is the enemy of the people you are literally blind.[/quote] He’s not blind. He is just ok with it because he also views the people as the enemy. ...

re: Tucker Commentary on FISA

Posted by midnight_chopper on 4/10/24 at 9:02 pm
This isn’t said enough… but you suck....
[quote]2 miles an hour. Lmao You’re not passing someone for going 2 mile under the speed limit. You would barely even notice if you would at all. Just relax and drive the speed limit. [/quote] In this case, we're going below the speed limit. And my noticing it or not is irrelevant to th...
[quote]Why not drive the seed limit? Then if someone is driving less than the speed limit in the right lane you can use the left lane to accelerate to the speed limit to pass?[/quote] Suppose you are on a 2 lane highway and the car in front of you is going 2 below the limit. Do you only pass him...
[quote]Only a socialist would be for the government paying employee wages like we subsidize fast food now. We compensate fast food employees with taxpayer money Capitalism would be the business paying their employees wages, and if they could not survive doing so, they would go out of business....
[quote]I’m sorry why do you have to see 4 full years of ineptitude, corruption, and outright un America first policies that cripple everyone to see that voting for a potato was a bad idea? Why did you have to hurt the rest of us with your poor decision making and failure to see what was right In fro...
[quote]I forgot that once you turn 70 and have grand kids you've above the law[/quote] What if you’re over 80 and mishandled classified documents as a senator and vice president?...
[quote]Only a socialist would be against that[/quote] Only a socialist would be against the government setting a private company’s wage scale?...
[quote]These people are incapable of connecting the dots from voting lefty policies to this type of end result. It’s the direct result of voting on emotions and not logic/common sense.[/quote] My favorite part is how the head of security discusses the need for 24/7 security. Even when they ha...
[quote]I know not everyone is going to figure it out on their own by 1st grade like SFP and friends did, but that 4 year gap is yuge.[/quote] And I have no doubt that, even at 6 years old, you were a know it all condescending douche to others once you found out....
[quote]i wouldnt use that idiot to defend me or my family if they got a speeding ticket when they werent even in a car. because he is too dumb to even beat that rap[/quote] I wouldn’t hire him because he would probably work on my case for 15 minutes, post on TD for 45 minutes and then bill me the...