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Registered on:7/13/2018
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[quote]Oh yeah, I guess they'd have to prove climate change did it. Never mind.[/quote] That would be easily accomplished in the city of New York with Judge Murchan....
Obama said," Elect me and I will fundamentally change the USA". They elected him and he kept his promise. There was a change in the concepts of freedom and justice almost immediately after his inauguration, and it grows stronger every day. ...

re: How will you celebrate pride month?

Posted by Gus007 on 5/31/24 at 8:02 pm
By boycotting Cracker Barrel....

re: Sit travinski

Posted by Gus007 on 5/31/24 at 7:47 pm
[quote]This has been said by others, what do [/quote] White is my wife's favorite player. We have been married for over fifty years and she has never been a Sports Fan. She has complained often about my addiction to sports. When White comes to the plate, or hits a home run, I call her to com...

re: Sit travinski

Posted by Gus007 on 5/31/24 at 4:38 pm
[quote]Let Neal or Frey dh.[/quote] What has Frey done to earn playing time? Travinski has a record. Heck White is in a slump. ...

re: Wofford Coach learned a hard lesson

Posted by Gus007 on 5/31/24 at 2:00 pm
Don't criticize a HC, from a small college like Wofford, who takes last years Champion to the wire before losing. His team played great and executed error free. Just didn't have the depth required to compete vs SEC Champions....

re: Robotic Umpiring In College

Posted by Gus007 on 5/31/24 at 12:47 pm
Who would you blame the losses on? If you can program voting booths, you can program Robots....
The Ump isn't making LSU hitters miss. Two hits? Their pitcher is having a great game. Now Jump as settled into a groove and he is pitching great. Same Ump. ...

re: How Are We Losing

Posted by Gus007 on 5/31/24 at 12:13 pm
Maybe they are better than we thought. Maybe our players read the Rant and believed Ranters rather than the Coach. Maybe its just Baseball. You know, sometimes things just happen. The game isn't over. Their pitcher has been awesome so far....
[quote]Got married and moved wife up to DC where I was in school. Ended up moving to Virginia for a job, had both kids up there, no family help.[/quote] Similar situation. Similar situation. Got married while in Military. A year later was discharged from Service, started college, wife worked. T...

re: When Do the Camps Start?

Posted by Gus007 on 5/30/24 at 9:21 pm
[quote]deep state wants to start red flag terror events in this country and blame it on Trump supporters[/quote] It started Jan 6, it has escalated to a Presidential candidate....
Some are finally recognizing the Peril of the Nation as well as their career under Biden, Soros, and the Communist s that call themselves democrats. ...

re: She's not guilty.

Posted by Gus007 on 5/30/24 at 1:35 pm
[quote]Why is it always blacks that defend criminal behavior?[/quote] Because they don't believe in equity when dealing with Justice....
[quote]In 50 years, no one will remember Wade’s tenure at LSU[/quote] BS. In fifty years, you telling us that students at LSU, who will be in their 70's, won't remember Wade? Johnny Jones or Johnson, sure. But Will Wade will be remembered for decades. Those Locker Room celebration photos wil...
[quote]different league than Les and O who delivered national titles.[/quote] Different Standard. LSU has been a Football Power for years. First Championship in 58. Wade was consistent. The only BB Head Coach who made the tourney every year except his first....
Should have had a picture of General Patton also. He fought for his country and was destroyed by the Deep State. It didn't start with Trump....
[quote]Of course, we didn't know LSU was set to hire the laziest AD in America to tab Brady's replacement.[/quote] Of course we didn't. But it should have been predictable. What have we done in Basketball since then?...
[quote]Guys like Brady, had some fluke great seasons. But on the whole none of them were special and it was clear they could not consistently repeat greatness. [/quote] We will never k know. Two of Brady's key players were injured in the middle of his last season. Those players were healthy ...

re: Jackson, MS has fallen

Posted by Gus007 on 5/29/24 at 10:49 am
[quote]probably suggesting it had to do with today’s political realities. That’s chicken little bullshite.[/quote] Today's Crime, Political Reality is a result of the Crime Party running the country. You have to be extremely retarded to overlook the attack on Police/Law and Order by the Left for...
Jerry Stovall. National Coach of the year, then fired after the following season. Stovall had a roster of young super athletes signed, but he never had the opportunity to Coach them. Arnsparger used the, talent and then left. Politics!!! Wade. Orgeron, Brady LSU Admin has a history of i...