Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:9289
Registered on:8/14/2018
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One of my favorite lines from the series: [img]https://i.imgur.com/6jgznHH.gif[/img] [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plYIIKQOtUI[/embed]...
[quote]Can't be true, just saw jvilletiger25 post on the AU boa [/quote] And then another fAU genius responded to jville with this: [img]https://i.imgur.com/2tejN3O.png[/img] Umm, so if "Husky Harsin" is having a HARD time, what kind of time is Freeze having sitting 5 spots below DeBoer?...
[img]https://i.imgur.com/v3TGqql.jpg[/img] [link=(https://x.com/AndrewJBone/status/1799137378889769057)]Bone Tweet[/link] [embed]https://x.com/zay_social/status/1799080810856980669[/embed]...
[quote]DREW ALLAR, PENN STATE Many were disappointed by Allar’s box-score stats this past season, but those numbers won’t tell you how hamstrung he was by his receivers and playcalling. Despite so much working against him, Allar’s 86.3 grade was still a top-20 mark among all quarterbacks in the nat...
[embed]https://x.com/On3sports/status/1798788006322770048[/embed] I know people were complaining about logos on jerseys, but I think this is 1000x worse....
Love it when a player's mom helps recruit! :lol: [embed]https://x.com/BrettGreenberg_/status/1798760308405833900[/embed]...
Fiesta Bowl at 7:30pm ET on NYE? [img]https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYTdtMm5vd2IwMzRwNjl3OXoweGs4aGM5amc0bmJjMmN2cm1yNXo4byZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/z1TeDUTV8MTv14YDXR/giphy.gif[/img]...
[quote]I just finished (not Iki). Wow. That ending.[/quote] After about 50 hours, I'm nearing the end of Act 2 and this story hits HARD. I got kind of bored towards the end of Act 1 because I was trying to 100% everything before moving on, but I'm glad I stuck with it. Absolutely loving it ri...
[quote]Maybe he can pull in the wr, Moore? Anyone know if he’s visited us lately, or plans to ?[/quote] BoL is saying that Russell is turning up the heat on Moore to get him to visit. Also, this: [embed]https://x.com/thereal_kori2x/status/1798085454857945192[/embed]...

re: Help Deleting Account

Posted by Sl0thstronautEsq on 6/4/24 at 11:29 am
[quote]Just don't post any more.[/quote] Speaking of which, does anyone else ever wonder what happened to some posters that just stopped posting? Recently I was thinking about [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/users/prof.aspx?u=39897)]Biggsc[/link] because he was posting a TON when Saban r...
Mac appears in pretty good spirits in Jax :lol: [embed]https://x.com/PFF/status/1797662327518687290[/embed]...
[quote]Exactly this. That at least makes sense. It’s a sports apparel company making the uniform we’re wearing. It doesn’t feel like selling out. Someone has to make the uniform.[/quote] Nike and those other brands are paying the school to make the uniform. Schools are still selling out....
[quote]There’s a report that the NCAA will meet to discuss allowing teams to put corporate logos on their jerseys. I think that might finally kill my love for college athletics. It looks so tacky and some college uniforms are beautiful and steeped in tradition. Id be fine as long as Alabama never...
[quote]USF at Bama 7 ESPN[/quote] Better check those LEDs, they're going to get a workout early in the season! :lol: 8/31: WKU @ Bama - 6pm CT 9/7: USF @ Bama - 6pm CT 9/28: UGA @ Bama - 6:30pm CT...
[quote]So why would ESPN agree to this regarding college football playoffs?[/quote] [quote]As part of the deal, TNT will broadcast two first-round games in 2024 and 2025 before adding quarterfinals each year from 2026-28.[/quote] Because the licensing fee TNT is paying is more than the ad reve...
[quote]Damn you people, this is golf! The beloved 1996 golf comedy “Happy Gilmore” is getting the sequel treatment from Netflix, with original star Adam Sandler set to return. The streamer confirmed the film during its upfront presentation to advertisers on Wednesday afternoon in N.Y.[/quote] ...
As others have said, Montreal is an awesome place. Make sure to check out St-Viateur Bagel....