Favorite team:USA 
Number of Posts:6931
Registered on:9/24/2018
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[quote]is there an actual punishment for offenders, like prison time?[/quote] Only for those defending thier wives and daughters....
VERY well done! That took some serious time and energy to model up. His printers were busy for a long while as well!...
He's just making the case for the Potato, all interviews should be scripted and well edited....
If I was Carter I'd do everything in my power to outlive Biden, just so that meathead couldn't be anywhere near my funeral and speak. ...
Best = 552nd MP Company, Busan Korea, A great couple of years. Worst = Ft. Riley, KS, the never ending politics. ...
O...O......O'Reilly's, Auto Parts! I'm currently working on a truck with my son between work and the rain.......... stupid jingle hits me every time we go get parts and stuff....
[quote]If so, what recourse does the citizenry have?[/quote] How about not talking to the State?...

re: TGIF Watch thread

Posted by dakarx on 6/7/24 at 8:47 am
Been running this model for about 10 years...mines getting tired, needs a new crystal and charge capacitor is getting weak....so going to get a new one as I'm pretty hard on them (never take it off). [img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/-1oAAOSwxWRl9b33/s-l1600.webp[/img] ...
[quote]he students realized it was fake only after noticing that the cops in the room had done nothing to stop the pretend shooter[/quote] Most knew the badged cowards would not have acted had the shooter been out to do real harm. ...

re: Service Dogs for Vets

Posted by dakarx on 6/6/24 at 7:19 am
No "service dog" here, but anyone that screws with my dog and will find out what PTSD really looks like....
Does that mean the disappearance of the kids trying to sell candy in the median on every other intersection?...
Physically/Mentally fir - early 30s (in the Army so was broke) Professionally/Financially - mid 50s (physically broken because of Army) ...
So there really is a cure for stupid, looks to be permanent too! ...
Modifying our nations flag is wrong, period. To do it to carve out a 'special class' is even more wrong....
FBI agents are worried about being jailed for their actions...... so their actions were blatantly illegal enough for them to understand they could/would be jailed over them? Nothing wrong with this picture....
Easy way to keep the tax $$$ flowing out of the treasury....
[quote]"We believe in faith and it wasn't meant to be. So, we don't know why this happened to us," Nina said.[/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZm5qZTUycTEwZHk3NXh4OW56bXpubG43eXN3aWdsMWE3ZGJpenJiOSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/r5Laua4IPpvzy/giphy.webp[/i...

re: Banking system unrealized losses

Posted by dakarx on 6/4/24 at 11:27 am
Can they write off [b]"unrealized losses"[/b] ?? Kind of like they want to tax us for [b]"unrealized gains"[/b] Just because they haven't happened does not mean the gov't cannot capitalize on those projected events....