Favorite team:LSU 
Occupation:Spirit Distiller
Number of Posts:298
Registered on:10/6/2018
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We’ve nearly stopped eating out. 4 hamburgers, 4 PBR’s @ The Blind Tiger in Madisonville. $98. I told the waitress there was absolutely no way I was going to pay $100 for that. Settled on $80. 3 days later they were out of business in that location. It’s just not even fun anymore. Started...

re: WTF is wrong with this world?

Posted by WhiskeyThief on 6/6/24 at 10:07 pm
Keeping it short …Everything. ...
A Canes chicken sandwich has 155 ingredients. 4 carcinogenic. Europe rejects locations opening there based on ingredients found in all their food items. Eat up New Yorkers...
These places don’t use real meat STOP EATING THERE !...
[quote]Honestly wouldn’t mind living in West Virginia[/quote] Yea, but the food seriously sucks !...
Media always refers to German Conservatives as “The Far Right in Germany” Macron gave a big speech about stopping the far right in Europe. Trump will learn em’...
Yea, Canes chicken sandwich has 155 ingredients. Most of which can’t be pronounced. The pickles have blue dye 1 in them. And that’s just one menu item. ...
[quote]frick Canes....they are gouging[/quote] Chipotle profits have been up every year of the inflation/biden economy to. Gouging BIGGLY !...
I was driving north on I65 just south of Leipers Fork in our Prevost coach at the time of the doctors plane going down. We had pulled into a rest stop because of violent wind gusts on the ground blowing our 55,000 lb coach all over. Can’t believe he flew into that front. ...
After a lifetime of riding motorcycles, I quit due to all the idiots on there “devices”. Was dangerous enough before, but device distraction put me out on motorcycling. ...
Stay in New Orleans, drive up to Tiger Stadium in your rented car and drive back to New Orleans for remainder of your stay...
[quote] Regional airport I fly through only has Starbucks.[/quote] As one being sick of starbucks always in your face, cause they’re everywhere. I Was shocked, but pleased to see Peet’s Coffee Shops all around New Orleans airport Peet’s is my staple at home. ...
[quote]Video goes on to show that every year we are transferring $1.4 trillion from social security from working aged citizens including the younger to give to the "grandparents" who are the wealthiest generation to have ever existed[/quote] Because the trillions taken by social security from all...

re: Basin bridge traffic…..

Posted by WhiskeyThief on 5/5/24 at 12:21 am
Shocker… Truck wreck on Basin. Personally I’d love to see constant LSP crawling all over that bridge. Truckers never obeying lane restrictions or speed limits for trucks. There’s always more than a dozen trucks going past me at passenger vehicle speed limits ...
[quote]BRIGHTLINE HAS HIT ANOTHER PERSON[/quote] Get out of the way, fool...
[quote]They probably won’t pass at all, so I’m looking forward to 100% robot trucks.[/quote] This times at least eleventy million...

re: Speed Trap Thread?

Posted by WhiskeyThief on 4/27/24 at 10:08 pm
Everyone on this thread is why Louisiana has the highest insurance rates in the country. Slow the “F” down and oh, get off you phone !...