Favorite team:LSU 
Location:North Pole
Number of Posts:1788
Registered on:11/17/2018
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Well then maybe they should STFU and use their own tanks?...
Every Country in the World can go to full 100% Zero Emissions and it will not amount to a fart in the wind unless China and India start to comply....
Can’t see him taking a step down....
He Didn’t Totally SUCK!...
Wrong! He has leverage this year. If he comes back he leverage only goes down from here. Your first Draft Eligible Year is where you will make the most money. He can get drafted in the first 3 rounds next year and will be lucky to get $25K....
You can call it Stupid all Day Long JACK it dont make it any less true. Stevie Wonder can see that we dont have Sh*& returning for Starting Pirching and Offensive Production coming back!! A bunch of 6 era guys and hitters with career averages under .250 aint gonna cut it in the SEC that will only be...
Plain and Simple unless we kill it in the portal will be an SEC Doormat that will take lumps and get pounded with Ft and Sophs. Zero starting pitching and all of our offensive production is gone....
This team is about to go on a run we have not seen before....

re: How would you grade this year?

Posted by ArcticTiger on 6/4/24 at 1:47 pm
D, the minimum for LSU every year should be to host and be in the TopHalf of the SEC....
Unless they spend some serious $$ in the portal that will be the worst LSU Team in the last 20 years....
McDonald giving up the Home Run to Stanford in 1987. That should have been Skips First Natty!...
If they don’t spend a Ton of $$ in the Portal next year will be the worst LSU Team in the last 20 years. We are basically losing all offensive production and starting pitching. Need at least 3-4 starters and 3-4 Big Bats. Can’t see us spending that much $$...

re: Looking ahead to next year

Posted by ArcticTiger on 6/3/24 at 8:48 pm
If we don’t spend $5 mil in the portal next year will be the worst LSU Team in the last 20 years....

re: Did neal give up?

Posted by ArcticTiger on 6/3/24 at 8:41 pm
Did the same thing twice in a row!...

re: Pulling Ack was the undoing…

Posted by ArcticTiger on 6/3/24 at 8:38 pm
Do not refer to him by his first name. He should be called BeBe Johnson or Paul Manure Jr....

re: This loss is on Jay

Posted by ArcticTiger on 6/3/24 at 8:35 pm
Bebe Johnson or Paul Manure Jr.? Not sure which one fits better....

re: Ballgame boys

Posted by ArcticTiger on 6/3/24 at 8:22 pm
Bebe Johnson 4 LSU 3...

re: This game is on Yeskie

Posted by ArcticTiger on 6/3/24 at 8:21 pm
This is ALL on BeBe Johnson! F You Johnson!...