Favorite team:LSU 
Location:New Hampshire
Biography:Born on the Bayou; Great Nephew to Edmond A. Chavanne
Number of Posts:11050
Registered on:7/15/2007
Online Status:Not Online

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St. Mary’s Womens Field Hockey team…...
Kellogg Frosted Flakes Tony The Tiger Stadium…...
[quote]Every broadcast I've seen[/quote]Get off the antenna to find out what the world looks like without propaganda, dude…...
[quote]It's highly unlikely[/quote] But not impossible. Standing: since when has a State has any business adjudicating Federal law? That is the preposterously purported poison tree that is the cant of this convoluted case. Our judicial system has become bereft and barren…...
[quote]Ask better questions[/quote] On what basis will this be thrown out on appeal?…...
Honesty, it’s such a lonely word; Everyone is so untrue…...

re: Starlink outage

Posted by Knight of Old on 5/28/24 at 8:50 pm

re: Karen Read murder trial

Posted by Knight of Old on 5/28/24 at 8:49 pm
The is a frame job by a bunch of Camden Mass State Police and ATF redneck hooligans who are all related to each other - one of whom beat the dead guy and left him out to die. They framed her up so as to divert attention away from their own. She will be acquitted 100%…...
Because the persecution (malaprop intended) won’t specify the underlying charge, it’s all just speculation anyway. The judge gave direction to the jury that basically says they can find him guilty even if they don’t know or understand the charges. What a travesty - where are the board barriste...
The outcome will drive inertia all the way to November; no doubt at all. If I were a degenerate gambler, it would be very hard not to lay down money on a conviction. Why? Jury nullification served up by the charge from a corrupt-as-frick judge (or ‘justice’, as he’s called in NYS). I will co...
Why do stars fall down from the sky?…...
[quote]Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.[/quote]...
I’ve seen a lot of posts inferring infallibility so I’m guessing that whatever the Vatican says goes?…...
[quote]To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.[/quote]...
Next you’re gonna tell me votes for Lyndon LaRouche were really the great deciders…...