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[img]https://i.postimg.cc/50ppTRVw/IMG-1924.jpg[/img] he has really shitty friends ...
[quote]If a client came to me wanting some sort of coverage to avoid having proper corporate entries made, then I would feel this is very shady, possibly legal, and something that I would not want to be a part of. [/quote] the lawyer brought the problematic situation to the client [quote]Or ...
[quote]The FEC and Biden DOJ passed on prosecuting anything based on election interference or violating campaign finance law[/quote] based on what Brad Smith is saying they passed on prosecuting because there was no campaign finance laws violations committed on Trump’s behalf ...
[quote]I would suggest that they are both.[/quote] sure with 2024 definitions, we are talking about 40 years of political evolution [quote]That being said, today I would argue that he is more of a populist with conservative leanings. His politics have shifted to the right over time. I wo...
[quote]He wanted it secret. So Cohen changed his records to show it wasn't a payment to Daniels but was instead "legal work" done for Trump (which he went to jail for doing). Trump changed his documents to say the same thing (which was viewed by the jury as both lying in the documents and attempting...
true but I dont really see this being re-tried, do you? the machine got what they wanted, DJT is a convicted felon on paper the propaganda machine gets their talking point ...
[quote]2 time Champions League winner Kepa[/quote] he delivered when they needed him most ...
[quote]That's a lot of money to pay to make someone stop whining. And even if you're right, ratification is helluva thing.[/quote] fair enough, but it is clear to me the issue for Trump was never handling stormy daniels it was trying to handle the loose cannon michael cohen they foolishly ...
[quote]He had to admit to the crimes and the crimes are felonies so legally they occurred.[/quote] :rotflmao: doesnt mean that FACTUALLY they occurred or that they were even campaign finance crimes Cohen was also facing 5 counts of tax fraud and one count of false statement to a bank FECA...
well we knew something like that was coming ...
one could reasonably argue that Cohen plead guilty to the alledged campaign finance laws violations as retribution to damage Trump’s Presidency ...
[quote]They didn't have to spend much time on it because it's kind of a given. It's not a potential crime, it is one that has already gone to trial and been found to have happened.[/quote] wait, cohen didnt go to trial, he plead out nothing was proven in court regarding campaign finance laws a...
[quote]Then the Trump Organization shouldn't have paid him back What they 100% should have done is pay him more than his actual work and "expenses"[/quote] I agree they mishandled this, primarily from cohen’s whining and refusal to go away because of his home loan and cohen’s wife people fo...
[quote]Madrid probably assumed they could just show up. But Dortmund scares me more than the Juventus final.[/quote] dortmund counters have been excellent, courtois standing on his head has prevented it being 2-0 BVB at half ...
[quote]It’s gonna be game over as soon as don Carlo brings on goat modric. This is his type of game[/quote] agreed it is shaping up that way for a three minute, two assists Modric moment ...
Cohen got conned by Stormy’s handlers, he took it upon himself to pay her, including taking out a loan on his home the scheme was his, everything that came after that was damage control ...
the simple answer to cousin Jethro’s insane OP is this we realize Trump is a salesman that sells using hyperbole and we dont care because we like what he actually does people like the OP support the Establishment because they love being pandered to with sound bites and feelings and they tend t...
Vini playing with fire right there ...
[quote]Bush the Elder Bob Dole Bush the Younger John McCain Mitt Romney[/quote] these were NEOCONs not RINOs RINOs are Democrat wolves in Republican sheep hides NEOCONs are globalist, pro intervention war hawks Trump is a mid-1990s populist moderate Democrat dropped into modern politi...
Are you gonna go my way charted in 1993 :rotflmao: RM definitely have the player name recognition factor, their 11 is absolutely loaded still absolutely kills me to see Courtois and Rudiger suited in white and starting for Real ...