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Registered on:10/4/2019
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Kash Patel has already revealed what they have planned. They will revoke security clearances for them on day one. Without these clearances, they’re worthless to defense contractors and the media, so it will hit them in the pocketbook hard. ...
Musk also has the ability to comprehend engineering changes and their financial impact simultaneously. Most normal people are one or the other. This allows him to make changes quickly. His mind is always thinking of solutions and is open to anything. There’s a video of Tim from Everyday Astron...
Terrific movie. Hard to believe they can produce something like this for $27 million, whereas Disney produces garbage for $200 million. ...
Apparently the launch license allowed for further launches assuming no damage to persons or property outside approved areas. It also specifically states any issues with the fin (and a few other items) are not a problem as they are considered experimental. Based on this, SpaceX may be able to launch...
She gets a lot of grief on here, but that speech may be Peggy Noonan’s crowning achievement. ...
[quote]Also... since both vehicles made it to their landing spots... the FAA has no incident to investigate[/quote] They’ll bitch about the fin...
I have to imagine if they lose a fin it would be out of control, so they’d need to terminate. ...
We’re possibly going to see a controlled landing of the largest object ever sent into space. Crazy. ...
[quote]feed in OP seems to be over. Where is everyone watching coverage?[/quote] Everyday Astronaut. Re chopsticks, SpaceX wanted to test new actuators ahead of a possible catch on the next flight. This is why the closed after launch. Assuming no issues with the debris field, I don’t see ...
[quote]Some unfortunate shallow water fish just met an unexpected & fiery demise [/quote] I’m sure Fish and Wildlife will delay the next launch 6 months while they investigate ...
CNN headline Starship fails to light all engines, booster lands in water and is unrecoverable. ...
[quote]1 engine out[/quote] Probably a good problem. Not enough to impact anything, but may give them insight into further improvement. ...
[quote]Once they get this ship figured out it's going to be such a huge game changer in Space Flight[/quote] Why would anyone downvote this? The ability to launch massive amounts of weight into space at significantly reduced cost is only one benefit. It’s rapid reusability and ability to refuel ...