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Registered on:10/10/2019
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[quote] This is exactly why you losers lose[/quote] Thanks for the sincere laugh today....
[quote] Please tell us how hes right?[/quote] I already did, and I was specific. In fact, my posts on this topic including details and evidence is a great analogy for conservatism, and your posts consisting of almost nothing but emojies are a great analogy for populism. ...
[quote]And you are the exact reason "conservatives" always lose[/quote] Not even close. Conservatism loses because it requires maturity to embrace. It requires someone who is willing to hold to a principle even if it means that something they don't personally like is allowed as a result of th...
[quote] Cruz needs to be AG.[/quote] He'd be a fantastic POTUS. Much better than anybody who has run in quite some time....
[quote]SDVTiger[/quote] Tell us how he's wrong. You guys are already up to Carter. Why won't you continue to pull left?...
[quote]While it's true virtually everyone agrees our government spends too much, virtually no one can agree on what needs to be cut. This problem requires a somewhat unified Congress to fix, so why is the President being blamed?[/quote] Because the POTUS has to set the tone and make Congress acco...
[quote] Who/what should people have been looking to in 2016 if not Trump?[/quote] Ted Cruz. That's an easy one....
[quote]Conceptually, I have no qualms that conservative values are best. That said, we have had decades waiting for those who carry the conservative banner to do something…..anything….to stem the continued creep (now warp speed these days) of this increasingly authoritarian Transnational Progress...
[quote]We're not as free as we think.[/quote] We never have been. This isn't anything new. Nothing you're talking about is new. Government has always been corrupt and always will be. Which is why conservatives want to keep it as small as possible. You populists want to grow it. [quote]It'...
[quote]But can the government force rules on private bathrooms (businesses). I would think the government could only force this in public bathrooms (state owned).[/quote] I don't see why not if the representative of the private business wants to press charges. Otherwise they wouldn't be able t...
[quote] Meanwhile, the person using the bathroom finishes up and exits the bathroom. Then what? Will the caller try to detain the suspected trans person until law enforcement arrives? Or will nothing come of it because the suspected trans person will be long gone by the time law enforcement arrives?...
[quote] How many times have your kids and grandkids been attacked by trans people in bathrooms in Louisiana?[/quote] It's about more than that. You said it yourself in your first post. This is a culture war issue. I get why it's tempting to regard the culture war as not a "real" issue, but ...
In the current context it means that the Democrats are weaponizing the justice system by coordinating legal attacks on political enemies. Prosecuting political enemies for crimes that they do not normally prosecute (selective prosecution). Ignoring statute of limitations. Etc. I don't care f...
It's hard to say when you're talking about presidents who lived 150 years ago. Worst in my lifetime is probably Biden, no kidding. Biden or Carter. I will say, though, thank you for understanding comparative grammar and not posting, "Who are the worse presidents of all time?" That was a brea...
[quote]I will never understand why people that hate this country so much continue to come here and live here.[/quote] Me either, but do a little experiment. Post a thread asking how many here would fight for the country if we were being attacked on our own soil. Last time someone did that I...
[quote]like they said last time[/quote] And the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that, and the time before that. Barbara Streisand's ...
[quote]Yeah, a certain demographic has never heard of a scope.[/quote] Given my complexion I could be wrong about this, but I don't think actually hitting the target is the main priority. I think the main priority is how they look when they're shooting. Check out 1:10 and forward in this vi...
[quote]What's the solution?[/quote] You really want to know? 1. Stop the government incentives to have children out of wedlock. If necessary institute [u]dis[/u]-incentives to further discourage it. 2. End no-fault divorce. Assess the facts and whoever is really at fault ends up taking ...
Those baws need some training. That was an awful lot of shots to not hit someone....
[quote] This is like when black people say white people are racist for voting republican. You Israel cucks are truly pathetic[/quote] Also, it's very telling that it's been several hours now and the guy I was responding to has not been back to deny what I asked him. That's never happened befo...