Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Des Moines
Number of Posts:2865
Registered on:8/27/2007
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One drink to remember, another to forget. ...

re: Meat Markets In The Baton Rouge Area!

Posted by SCTmo on 5/27/24 at 5:19 pm
[quote]Absolutely terrible. Will never go back to that bucket of shite.[/quote] Could you give more info? What did they do that upset you? ...
[quote] Is it like Kill Tony with a panel of people just talking and making jokes, trying to one up each other while some side show is happening?[/quote] Not at all. Show usually has an over-arching topic (such as helicopters, coyotes, and earthquakes) with Mulaney, a celebrity, and some expert ...
I love it. Getting Kevin Gage to come and do stand up in character as Waingro from Heat is the kind of insanity that just cracks me up. Also really love Richard Kind. I wish that some of the guests were more conscientious of each other, but the contrasting styles and opinions does make for som...
Here's some women that John Mayer has dated. No clue about the Andy Cohen stuff, but it would be a hell of a shift for Mayer. [img]https://ew.com/thmb/9CdDqpyh-MUgjHU9bF6ml77qzj0=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/heartbreakers-06-fb1047d5cef24bf7b370a74d29acfe29.jpg[/img]...

re: Texas A&M 4 @ LSU 6 Final

Posted by SCTmo on 5/3/24 at 9:42 pm
The fan didn't touch the ball...
[quote]He's used to do it just to be the contrarian. Now he actually believes it.[/quote] Curse of the personal injury attorney. Have to lie to yourself to justify the claims. Eventually end up lying so much you believe it. ...
[quote]seriously frick Mad Men for starting this trend.[/quote] Sopranos did it first....
[quote]If by disingenuous you mean he was the highest rated passer in the SEC at the time he was demoted, then yes it is disingenuous. [/quote] He was outright bad against Bama. It is what it is and the team looked horrible with him in the game. I agree that he should have seen the field again a...
[quote]That team was incredible when Lee was running the show.[/quote] He had a solid season, but he completely shite the bed against Bama in the 9 - 6 game. Jefferson is a huge reason why we won that game. I don't know why Les leaned entirely too much on Jefferson after that point (and certainly...

re: A Mighty Wind > Spinal Tap

Posted by SCTmo on 4/17/24 at 2:32 pm
I've always thought A Mighty Wind told a more complete story but Spinal Tap is funnier....
[quote]They were both USA shows originally. All their shows from around that time had a similar feel[/quote] See also: Royal Pains Covert Affairs In Plain sight Fairly Legal Sirens Necessary Roughness All pretty much the same tone. Was going to put Burn Notice on there too, but that's ...

re: Boston Restaurants

Posted by SCTmo on 4/10/24 at 2:58 pm
Fox & The Knife is really good. ...
[quote]Refs cheating so hard for Iowa [/quote] South Carolina has benefitted from non calls all season. frick em...
[quote]south carolina should have way more fouls[/quote] That's pretty much their MO...

re: Angel Reese responds to LA Times writer

Posted by SCTmo on 3/30/24 at 10:55 pm
Angel might be the best troll we've ever had at LSU. Just great at intentionally starting shite and fricking with people who come after her. She should skip the WNBA and go to the WWE....

re: LSU 78 @ UCLA 69 Final

Posted by SCTmo on 3/30/24 at 12:12 pm
Reese should never take a jump shot....

re: LSU 78 @ UCLA 69 Final

Posted by SCTmo on 3/30/24 at 12:10 pm
You know it's bad when the announcers respond like that. Jesus, we're in for a long day if they call that on Morrow....
[quote]Which makes me wonder what she has really done that she thought was coming out. [/quote] This logic is so fricking poorly thought out. You're told a hit piece is coming out about you. What's your reaction? Especially if there's nothing particularly damming. You start thinking, "what the ...
[quote]This is no small thing in the current day and time And it's for the same reasons they've always done stuff like that. It drives interest. Interest eventually leads to money one way or the other[/quote] I don't disagree. However, WWE is in a unique spot. Their events are selling out with...