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[quote]That's the zir banning folks using those memes.[/quote] They've been banning people for talking about them banning people. keepin' the populace safe from what they perceive Assclowns in charge gonna assclown :dunno: ...
[quote]I thought that meme wasn't allowed on here anymore?[/quote] This band is in town [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c0/Them_Again.uk.jpg[/img]...
[quote]That's surprising, if it's the same old meme everyone posts.[/quote] I saw it real time. Someone got deleted for saying that you can't post those things or you will get banned as he had before, even though he didn't post those things in the thread. Uptight Assmins in here. ...
[quote]Massive EMS, Fire, Police presence downtown BR Riverfront[/quote] Sounds like entrapment :lol:...
[quote]Yes, officer suck nutts.[/quote] Didn't say I like checkpoints, only responding to the tard that thinks it is entrapment. "Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the...
[quote]Seems like entrapment.[/quote] Except it has no elements of entrapment, just enforcement...
[quote] would say a key word or some other signal that would trigger an involuntary response after he woke them up[/quote] Media and politicians are trained in this... Just think about how often they would use a phrase like "Let me be Clear" or something similar. [embed]https://www.youtube....
[quote]Summer of Hope kickoff event at Liberty Lagoon[/quote] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjcwYWVkMmEtYjkxZS00ZTRhLWE1YzAtMmQxMGNiNzNkNmJlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTYzNzMwNjcy._V1_.jpg[/img]...

re: Is This Ray Epps' Daughter?

Posted by MasterDigger on 5/26/24 at 11:27 pm
[quote]I think it's his step daughter he adopted, but she has accused him of sexually assaulting her[/quote] That would certainly explain the anger she has towards him....

Is This Ray Epps' Daughter?

Posted by MasterDigger on 5/26/24 at 10:46 pm
Thomas Massie listed 3 items every pres candidate should pledge to do. It looks like the daughter? of Epps added one of her own. [embed]https://x.com/Tiffanyjones316/status/1794172126909669875[/embed]...
[quote]How can any modern society support this type of blatant aggression on unarmed non-combatants? [/quote] I wonder what they had shipped to and hidden in the store under the quise of home improvement that got the place targeted. Shoulda put it near a school or hospital or nursing home or med...
[quote]You don't "win" if the game malfunctions. They're machines. Just like all other machines. They break[/quote] Now do election machines......
[quote]Odds are always with the house.[/quote] Not if I was the Judge... ...
[quote]Taking Biden off the ballot is childish.[/quote] It's called following the requirements and law, faghole. The fix is the Dems make their decision before the required date, which hasn't been changed, not after....
[quote] "Unarmed" "Hands up"[/quote] [img]https://tightroperecords.com/catalog/images/PUDL.jpg[/img]...
Iranians rejoicing the death of Raisi [embed]https://x.com/i/status/1792200601067225125[/embed]...
[quote]How many souls on board?[/quote] [b]Who was on board the missing helicopter?[/b] Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian East Azerbaijan Governor Malek Rahmati Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem, representative of the Iranian supreme leader to East...
[quote]Look how [b]shitty [/b]that helo is.[/quote] :lol: The first though that I had was 'why is such an important figure in that [b]shitty[/b] helicopter.'...