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Registered on:1/6/2020
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[quote]50-55k barrels of naphtha to gasoline [/quote] What's the yield per barrel? 30-35 gallons? ...
[quote]but muh go woke go broke[/quote] Companies don't up and leave immediately. It's going to be over 10-20 years. The fact that California has the absolute most beautiful land, huge Pacific coastline, and perfect weather. Yet, people are leaving. Companies lowering their footprint ...
I liked the way the gay guy approached those questions. He was very calm, might have opened a person's eyes. ...

re: Summer of Hope tracker

Posted by Privateer 2007 on 6/4/24 at 6:12 pm
What you're saying is accurate. Don't know why getting down voted. ...
I love how they're "so strong". Yet, 98% can't achieve shite without government handouts, or putting their finger on the scale. ...
[quote]why kill a 16 year old[/quote] Probably after one of the guys. Likely, she wasn't the target. ...
Them pretending prior infection didn't provide protection at least as good as the "vaccine" was a huge red flag. Anybody with any science background should have been like "hold on, WTF?". ...
[quote]cannot co exist [/quote] I've long speculated such.. Democrats are obsessed with identity politics. Sooner or later it has to collapse. I despise her, but give credit to pelosi etc for holding their party together. ...
Regardless, Getting COVID is gonna happen no matter what. Getting "vaccine" is optional. ...
Don't a sizeable portion of their homes have oil heaters?...
[quote]$100 million for all programming [/quote] What are they presently getting?...
I used to see him on trail at Audubon Park all the time. Really regret not punching him in the face. ...
[quote]too much drama queen shite[/quote] A presidential candidate was convicted of 34 felonies for supposedly mis classifying a legal expense. This is serious shite. ...
[quote]don't commit felonies [/quote] We all commit felonies. The legal code is insane. Day to day, normal people commit crimes unbeknownst to themselves. Itemize taxes? I'll bet you inflate something. Received a dividend check? Hope you claimed it. shite, in the 90s did you record mov...
[quote]half workforce [/quote] [quote]false on many levels [/quote] My thoughts immediately. These people are less than useless. ...
[quote]biden and obama[/quote] I would convict those pieces of shite on anything. ...
Trump is more lucid than most 40 year olds. WTF is she smoking?...
This has got to somehow be St George's fault. ...