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[quote]The greatest shock of this war is simply how inept Russia’s combat operations have been. On paper, they should’ve rolled Ukraine and Zelenskyy is hiding out in Poland somewhere. I’m not a military expert, but I have to believe if they had the ability to roll Ukraine they would’ve committed th...

re: Booty is back in Louisiana

Posted by mattfromnj on 5/16/24 at 8:25 am
[quote]Is he kin to John David Booty?[/quote] It's his nephew. He's Abram Booty's son. ...
[quote]Can somebody update the fighting ?[/quote] Last I read the Israelis had entered some of the central neighborhoods of Rafah, based on sightings by local Gazans. Apparently they're not facing as much resistance as they anticipated. The bad news for the Israelis is that they are now "clea...
[quote]Elitism probably. Conservatives are stupid, people of the land, etc. Historically I have little doubt that "not being part of those people" played a significant role. [/quote] For whatever it's worth of the Jewish people I know, this is the answer. In the past it was more because Jews saw...
[quote] And why does the Left in general support the Palestinians and oppose Israel?[/quote] The left has supported the Palestinians for a long time because the Palestinians used to be secular and supported by the USSR, think of the PLO back in the 70s and 80s. They were part of the worldwide re...
[quote]I can’t believe there are supposedly 100+ alive hostages still. I realize it’s densely populated, but the Gaza Strip is not a huge area…..it’s so sad they can’t find these hostages.[/quote] Yeah the fact that Hamas has admitted they don't even have 40 left in the female/child/elderly categ...
[quote] According to the Jtimes link, Israel is ending its active invasion and occupation of southern Gaza. Beginning of the end for Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran appears to be off for the time being. I hope this is the beginning of the end of the war. The US experience after 9/11 largely proves ...
[quote]I’ve always felt safer in the west village of NYC where NYU is located than almost anywhere in Louisiana. We were there in June when our daughter was considering NYU as one of her school choices. I also don’t subscribe to the theory that LSU is being held back solely by the crime in BRLA.[...
[quote]Kadyrov's soldiers, that he sent to Ukraine, were... useless, but apparently they aren't soldiers, they're like actors picked because they look right and all they do back home is make propaganda videos. They are all in their 20s... too young to have ever been the fabled Chechen warriors that ...
[quote]35, recently single. Having way less luck with the ladies this go round than I was before. It's been 5 years, so I know I'm older, but I'm actually improved in every way since the last time I was single. Health wise, financially, mentally, etc.. but none of that has helped my game it seems...
[quote]To tell about? First off if it's not a surprise attack and the mountain lion sees these knuckles I like my chances. I go straight for the throat and a rear naked choke. I figure its over in less than five mins. Poor lion never had a chance. How do you think you fare against this 90 lb beast a...
[quote] There needs to be a grownup step into the negotiation room, get the two sides together, and end this. It won’t be a European or Chinese leader, and it won’t be Biden.[/quote] Neither side is interested in negotiations. The Russians think they have all the momentum and the Ukr govern...
[quote]2014 was the time to give AID to Ukraine. Not 8 years into the war we led them into.[/quote] Fwiw to the extent that Russians are allowed to criticize Putin one of the things often said on their telegram channels and other social media is that it was actually Russia that messed up by not g...
[quote]Disagree. Maybe if we started holding shitty parents responsible for the actions of their kids criminal activity we would have better parents and not as many delinquents running around.[/quote] You're assuming good faith on the part of the DAs offices and that this won't be prosecuted i...
[quote]I wouldn't. I could never trust a woman that was capable of murdering her own baby. Wouldn't want to spend my life sleeping with one eye open & getting nervous whenever my drink/food tasted a little off. Or wondering if she killed one of my unborn children and never even told me about it...
[quote]The massive amount of stupidity and lack of common sense on display during the COVID scare was more frightening to me than the disease.[/quote] I don't blame normal people as much as I blame media and the medical establishment for it. I remember MSNBC was doing stories about how they were ...
[quote] That white guy from Wisconsin (#24?) was pretty saucy the other day[/quote] The Big10 produces a decent amount of white guy DBs and receivers. Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska always have a ton of them and even OSU had a white guy safety recently. The other white corner in the NFL is a Penn ...
Fwiw I think another part of the issue is that women no longer feel the need to settle. A lot of people in my parents generation and even younger got married because the woman needed some degree of financial stability since they usually made less money than men. Now it's different. There are hundred...

re: CFP was saved from this type game

Posted by mattfromnj on 12/30/23 at 5:45 pm
[quote]Florida st had the perfect opportunity to prove they belonged in the playoffs by playing a full strength Georgia team. They chose to opt out, because they knew what was going to happen with their qb. Exactly why they didn’t make it in the first place.[/quote] Yeah I feel like an idiot for ...
[quote]95% of these people are being subsidized by the gov’t. If an individual hits 3 bills cut off the welfare and problem solved. People that work 40+ have time to get overweight, but not to the degree of having to get cut out of their house. [/quote] It's always weird to see the care taker dy...