Favorite team:Georgia 
Number of Posts:35487
Registered on:9/18/2020
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[quote]underrated US cities[/quote] [quote]Pittsburgh[/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/3oFzmkkwfOGlzZ0gxi/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952xegislpn41hopej8w0d55lbwdhywrwug0iwy5v6c&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Boone, NC[/quote] Jefferson/E Jefferson NC. The entire High Country of North Carolina is a gem. ...
[quote]Downtown Atlanta is a shithole no argument from me. Any of the Northeastern neighborhoods in the city are like Mayberry and 98% of this forum couldn’t afford to live there even if they wanted to which makes this so funny. Atlanta isn’t New Orleans or Birmingham. It’s going in the totally oppo...
[quote]I hate your airport too.[/quote] Now you're being ridiculous. Hartsfield-Jackson is arguably the most efficient airport on the planet. Along w/being the busiest....
[quote]OP sounds like he is a moron and [b]stayed in a bad area[/b].[/quote] He absolutely did. And he's getting all defensive about it ...
[quote]Ok, but y’all were saying that they were coming here if we didn’t go there. They going to ship an entire invasion force over here via subs? Frankly, the Nazis and even the Germany of WWI never had the capability of waging warfare anywhere outside of Europe in any meaningful way. They never...
[quote]the further and further we get away from WWII, the more I’m convinced we should’ve not taken any side in Europe[/quote] Brah......[img]https://images.tigerdroppings.com/Images/icons/casty.gif[/img]...
[quote]PGAOLDBawNeVaBroke[/quote] [img]https://images.tigerdroppings.com/Images/icons/casty.gif[/img]...
[img]https://images.tigerdroppings.com/Images/icons/casty.gif[/img] Show some damn respect. ...
"Take My Breath Away" -Top Gun [embed]https://youtu.be/Bx51eegLTY8?si=1i72pP4h74p3hi6-[/embed]...
Freddie Mercury Steve Perry Lou Gramm And not a man but Ann Wilson. The greatest female voice in rock history and the undisputed Queen of Rock. ...
[quote]Wyoming is pretty fricking big[/quote] FIFY...
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: His old man(RIP) would be proud....
Were you at the Hilton right next door?...