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Occupation:Trade Job
Number of Posts:3448
Registered on:10/25/2020
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[quote]There is a movie I own that's a real movie (I haven't seen it yet) that's supposed to have some truly fricked up shite, BUT it's a war movie about the atrocities of the German occupation of Russia (Come and See).[/quote] It’s not violent at all. You hear some of the screams or see the afterm...
It’s that darned python again...
It would absolutely make my weekend if they stormed the White House. Please!!!!...
Louisiana has its fair share of problems, but thankfully, man eating snakes isn’t one....
Obviously the reeducation of evil white people....
What I just watched has to be a parody. I’m speechless....
Time for some common sense shark control...

re: Where’s Vivek?

Posted by sledgehammer on 6/7/24 at 9:24 am
He was on the Shawn Ryan podcast two weeks ago. Give it a listen....
[quote]That will need to be leveled soon TBH. Even if they don't build this new stadium.[/quote] That’s a little racist bro...
Come and See. I’d gladly watch Shindler’s List, The Pianist, and Requiem for a Dream before I watch this one again. [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODM4Njg0NTAtYjI5Ny00ZjAxLTkwNmItZTMxMWU5M2U3M2RjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzkwMjQ5NzM@._V1_.jpg[/img]...

re: The Cars Appreciation Thread

Posted by sledgehammer on 6/6/24 at 7:35 pm
I’ve really been getting into The Cars and The Cure this year thanks to a few threads on here. Man, I grew up in the wrong decade....

re: D-Day: June 6, 1944

Posted by sledgehammer on 6/6/24 at 5:40 am
I watched this fantastic video doc series of DDay hour by hour last year on YT. It’s time consuming, but you’ll learn everything you could ever want to learn about June 6. [link=(https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsIk0qF0R1j4nZd_D0GWKxWrP--UNmD9d)]DDay Hour by Hour[/link]...
They need some live gators, hurricane force winds, and Derrick Todd Lee to make the ride interesting....
[quote]Nagumo and the Japanese leadership in general were kept off balance by the near constant attacks from the Americans. Midway strikes, torpedo strikes, B-17, B-26 all frayed the Japanese nerves. None of those American attacks were in vain.[/quote] Thank you for saying that! You nailed it!...
The sacrifice of the torpedo bomber squadron was not in vain. The Japanese had to be on the alert. They were launching and landing combat air patrol all morning which resulted in them not being able to launch their attack force. Also, the Chikuma #1 float plane (I believe) somehow failed to spot ...
[quote]If you're interested in the Battle of Midway from the Japanese perspective I highly recommend the book "Shattered Sword" by Anthony Tully and John Parshall[/quote] Excellent eye opening book that debunked a ton of myths. Japan could’ve easily won Midway had they not launched the attacks on...
[quote]$200 bucks to drop off trash at the landfill[/quote] That’s insane! It’s free where I live....