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Interests:College Football and fishing
Number of Posts:1542
Registered on:11/10/2020
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Probably a cover story for the petri dish of death walking across our southern border every day....
Which of these are true conservatives? If they aren't conservative, then we have a liberal running against someone more liberal - we have not dog in the fight. Trump upset the entire game - he blew away the Republican field in his first run. He spoke boldly and honestly and America responded. ...
I think the kids did a great job of answering, especially the girl....
Leaving this here... [img]https://scied.ucar.edu/sites/default/files/media/images/3d_gases_in_atmosphere_pie_chart_2.jpg[/img]...
I managed a Morehouse grad at one point in my career. Let's just say - he didn't get his money's worth for his college education - and I don't think he paid a dime....
How long till Israel takes them out. ...
Revoke the diploma. These little pricks are hijacking everyone elses event to glorify themselves. You care about Gaza - then go over thee and volunteer to work the food deliveries....
Can't wait to see this turd show....
Brick and mortar universities days are numbered. They are an outmoded method of teaching and learning. They are nothing more than massively overpriced credential factories....
hella reporter - not one detail of his symptoms...
We need a color blind society. No Government should cater to a religion or ethnicity....
That's conspiracy to commit a coup and punishable by death....
Is there a setting on TigerDropping that will let me see these twtter embeds. I see text that says Twitter Embed Loading - but it never loads. And BTW, it's X ...
Why can't our politicians read the Tea Leaves. We held back on funding for a few weeks and Europe begins to step up. France is even talking about putting troops into Ukraine. If we could just step back for half a second, the HUGE economy of Europe could win the war. Russia's GDP is in the neighb...
If the government goes after a religion, then I'm obliged by the constitution to resist....
I'd love to know who I need to primary next time around...
Are we talking the entrance of hot Ukraine chicks?...

re: Tradwife

Posted by Marquesa on 4/14/24 at 2:27 pm
Oh, you mean CisWives. i.e. - normal people doing normal things....
I've known a few "imports" to the US. Anedocotally - the major problem I see is the desire to always be right, always be in charge and always be smarter than those below you. OK, you could look at that as a positive - but it manifests itself in a negative way. Friend of mine in IT had a manager...