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Registered on:6/23/2021
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So sorry to hear that, hope things will get better. Too many blows in one day. Good luck out there. ...
I don't know, I don't see anything wrong in saving a buck here or there. If a free version or a basic plan does the job, why not? It comes down to priorities, both in business and life. Like, I want to invest in a good alarm system or pay an accountant to do my taxes, but I'll try to save elsewhere....

re: Munich for Oktoberfest 2024

Posted by painballwizard on 10/17/23 at 9:30 am
Prague is an amazing city. Would always pick it over Paris for many reasons. But this Austria tour idea also sounds good. Salzburg and Graz are very charming and beautiful. I'm sure you'll have a great time no matter what you decide. ...
Start looking as soon as possible, I agree with the others here. No reason to worry, in my opinion. ...
Wordpress is definitely a place to go for creating a website. Integrates well, with tons of plugins. Also, look at these website personalization [link=(https://useinsider.com/website-personalization-use-cases-examples-2023/)]examples[/link], this is something to consider, as it makes a difference. W...

re: To catch a thief....

Posted by painballwizard on 7/11/23 at 2:47 am
Nice work there. Keep us posted, I am curious to hear how the story ends....
True, many fakes. I was sort of interested, but for this reason, I gave up. Not interested enough to spend too much time researching it. ...
Getting more mixed opinions makes me think I've made the right decision to keep the paper version but share both. I really appreciate it, thank you all one more time. Now, I wouldn't completely dismiss digital ones, For example, the solution I picked offers the option of adding 20+ links to social m...
Since you're asking primarily about an efficient scanner, may I suggest the Canon P-215II model, we got one at the office, it's portable and cool-looking. I think you can find it for around $250. Not sure what your budget is, though, but I'd say that's a fair price for a reliable scanner. And just i...
[link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YziZ1FlAWs)]Amazing[/link] by George Michael...
Thank you all, I guess that's settled then - I'll be sharing both. I suspected there are still people that prefer getting a paper card, so I won't risk it. I will print the QR code on them too, though, why not. I read the piece on the best digital business card reviews and I'll most likely pick one ...
So, I got a new job last month (well, new-old, the company changed the owner and the name; I got a better position) and I need new business cards. I was going to print some, but the new GM suggested considering electronic business cards. Looked into the whole thing a little, seems to me they're not ...

re: Retiring before 50

Posted by painballwizard on 6/15/23 at 7:39 am
My dream as well. I agree, more likely possible with no kids. Saving along the way is definitely a must (for most of us at least) so it takes some careful planning and discipline. But worth it. Worth it. ...

re: Software Development

Posted by painballwizard on 6/15/23 at 7:08 am
Hope that checking the contract and the bill will give more insight and some answers, it should in my opinion. Good luck with sorting this out. ...

re: What are YOU listening to?

Posted by painballwizard on 5/30/23 at 6:32 am
[link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywHH0KuuT1s)]Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Beggin'[/link] ...
Here's the whole [link=(https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-98070-0)]article[/link] on this, the linked one only opens Abstract for me. A very interesting study. I wear Vivos too, only with [link=(https://www.loopkinglaces.com/products/category/rope-shoelaces/)]cotton rope[/link] laces that I...

re: What are you reading?

Posted by painballwizard on 5/30/23 at 4:47 am
Rereading The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole (Sue Townsend) after I read the first book again (The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾). Incredibly fun!...
Rome is beautiful, and Saint Peter's Basilica is a magnificent must-see. Also, this tiny place, Two Sizes has the best tiramisu, ten minutes walk from Pantheon. ...

re: What are YOU listening to?

Posted by painballwizard on 6/23/21 at 8:28 am
[link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onO-nB7UOmk)]Coloring Outside the Lines by MisterWives[/link]...