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Registered on:10/25/2007
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[quote]Memphis, Birmingham, Jackson Miss, Chattanooga, Plenty of job opportunities and culture[/quote] Anywhere that has more than 5% culture is too vibrant for my bland world view to appreciate ...
[quote]Says the guy getting monthly stimmy checks crying all day long about the wealthy on his obama phone [/quote] If you eliminate people on government assistance from voting, you will have a much more realistic view of the American populace. It’s hard, if not impossible, to wear two hats....
[quote]Y'all got so mad at the establishment for ruining your economy that you elected Trump, who made things worse. Spot on, Comrade[/quote] Most Pro Trump supporters, including myself, believe Trump was undermined his entire term, with the main act being the bioweapon, to undermine his entire ...
[quote]You bragged about getting a Republican replaced with a Democrat[/quote] Who was the Republican?...
[quote]Do you think that doesn't describe the populace?[/quote] More and more unfortunately since the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. ...
[quote]I think you should be cautious to judge Milei's accomplishments for another 18 months. Argentina is so screwed up that they are still scrambling along the bottom.[/quote] I stated as much in the original post you responded to. [quote]Bukele's love fest dies with Bukele. Once he is out ...
[quote]Bottom up "democracies" are easy to hijack. Theyre' all led by the same dipshits.[/quote] Again, Bukele & Milei are both clearly populists. Let’s see how quickly their movements are hijacked. I think so far both have done extraordinary things for disasters of countries. To my knowled...
[quote]Like every populist movement since the beginning of time, it was hijacked.[/quote] Because that is true only with regards to populism :dope: ...
[quote]Its the same protesters who protest everything under the sun and want to end capitalism.[/quote] I understand there will always be a faction who never let a crisis go to waste, but to suggest that makes the OWS position anti capitalism is a premise anyone with a shred of intellectual hones...
[quote]Explain to me how Trump is any different.[/quote] Trump does not support forever wars and meaningless globohomo initiatives. ...
[quote]It is not. Its no different than "Occupy Wall Street" or other populist movements.[/quote] So we are clear, the populists in the Occupy movement were the bad guys?...
[quote]They lead to bottom up "democracy."[/quote] Potentially. But so does the current system. Hell how many billions did corporations gave billions to BLM to empower bad actors now making laws? Based on everything we know guaranteeing all empires fall, smaller ethno-like-minded nation states (t...
[quote]Tribes are judged by the dumbest among them[/quote] Not all tribes will be equal. Doesn’t discredit tribalism whatsoever. ...
[quote]Populism from the right leads to fascism [/quote] Potentially. We have a great opportunity to view a modern day populist leader in El Salvador. What Bukele has done is nothing short of incredible, he says he intends to honor constitution and only serve term allowed, let’s see how it plays ...
[quote]Half of them hate you. "White populism" just means you'll set the system up for immigrants to take over.[/quote] Very true. But still it’s at least a possibility. The only logical path forward is smaller nation states or a like minded tyrant. Both of those will be messy. ...
[quote]I think you’re probably a good man, I really do….but you are too stubborn to learn. You’ll likely continue railing at everything from the sidelines instead of trying to figure out what conservatives need to do to get back in the game. And you’ll continue to be frustrated.[/quote] Yep. I ...
[quote]You shouldnt need this. We all know what the problem is.[/quote] The problem IMO is a combination of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, the removal of the Gold Standard, and segregation by force. I’d bet good money you at least disagree somewhat if not entirely, as will most of ...
[quote]Enjoy being ruled by hood rats and dishwashers.[/quote] One of these things is not like the other. ...
[quote]quote: By your logic I don’t know how people can look at Finland or Sweden and think socialism is a bad thing. They arent socialist. New Orleans is populist.[/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fc.tenor.com%2F9AxpRD2d5d0AAAAM%2Fblinking-eyes-m...
[quote]I dont know how anyone can look at New Orleans or Detroit and think populism is a good thing. [/quote] By your logic I don’t know how people can look at Finland or Sweden and think socialism is a bad thing. ...