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Considering that Hunter was ready to plead guilty to the charge of ticking the no box that he wasn't using drugs on his gun application, I would say the chances of a conviction are nearly 100%....
[quote]The part working against Trump for this is most who are charged with this crime don't take it to court, but rather plead guilty and are given some leniency in sentencing because of that.[/quote] True. I think eleven violations of the gag order might also work against him at sentencing. H...
My understanding is that 75% of the New York defendants convicted of the same crime get no jail time and if they have no prior convictions it's almost 100% get no jail time....
In the realm of criminal activities, mis-classifying an expense is about as minor as it's possible to get. For a business, a hush money payment is not tax deductible, but usually legal fees are. So there would be a charge of tax evasion added. The real kicker in this case is that the state is tr...
[quote]It’s crazy, but I’m leaning towards them coming back not guilty rather quickly.[/quote] I think tomorrow, Friday, is the key day. Juries like to get trials over with before a weekend....
[link=(]LINK[/link] The general rule is for defendants not to testify, but in this case a forthright denial on the stand by Trump might sway a juror or two. The defense team needs to huddle up and determine the best course of action over the weekend....
While Rikers is a horrible place, if Trump goes there at least it won't be as bad as the Tombs. About Rikers: [quote]The saga begins at Rikers Island: 413 acres in the East River, a stone’s throw from the runways at LaGuardia airport, and the site of one of the most hellish penal facilities in t...
This would be a criminal contempt charge. As such, he would be violating his bail agreements in his other three cases meaning he could be locked up in pre-trial detention. It's risky on his part. Better for him if he doesn't get another violation. To be locked up until the Atlanta trial or, even w...
The Apollo 1 Command Module did not "blow up" though a flash fire aided by a pure oxygen atmosphere might have seemed like an explosion. The whole lunar landing thing was done as a competition with the USSR. There wasn't a whole lot of scientific benefit to the program as compared with other pote...
[quote]You can't blame them.[/quote] Sure I can. Putin invaded. Putin killed and is still killing thousands of civilians. Putin has been kidnapping Ukrainian children. I agree there is a non-zero chance Putin, out of frustration, will use nukes. He would be very unwise to do so. I trust th...
[quote]Kennedy at 13%. There’s no way that could legitimately happen[/quote] Historically correct. Third party candidates tend to fade badly in October and wind up polling far lower than during the spring and summer....
[quote]hate and vitriol directed against Trump on this forum[/quote] Really? I guess you haven't visited Reddit Politics or Straight Dope or even listened to what some of the potential jurors called him last week. (Yes, the people making bad comments were dismissed out of hand.) This forum is a...
I'm guessing the judge will fine Trump $1,000 for each violation of the gag order. I believe the count is now at 7. $7,000 for Trump is chump change. I know criminal contempt is at least a possibility, but I'd bet against it happening. ...
Start out by thinking of gold as just another foreign currency. For economic functionally that's what it is. Long term if you invest in a company whose assets are mostly denominated in a solid currency you get the benefit of appreciation against the US dollar and any dividends and stock price in...
I don't know if there would have been a conviction if Mark Fuhrman had simply admitted to using the N word, but lying under oath really hurt his credibility with the jury. That said, OJ had some very sharp attorneys who might very well have gotten him off any way. ("If the glove doesn't fit . ...
[quote]New York is already concerned about a mass exodus of businesses.[/quote] Manhattan commercial real estate has to be hurting due to the trend of working from home. ...
Without reading this 11+ page thread, what about the idea of bonding companies forming a consortium like Lloyds of London to spread the risk? It seems to me that could be a very profitable venture for them if the bonding fees are as little as 5%. ($25 million)...
[quote]They can request all they want. Best thing to do is put qualified people at voting sites. This might include lawyers and some type of path to block any effort to hide shite.[/quote] Most ballots are now counted by tabulators. As you say, observing voting would be most useful. Overs...
[quote]Of course he signs his letters with Esq.[/quote] Go to a political meeting. The guys wearing suits are either candidates or esquires. ...