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Number of Posts:871
Registered on:10/4/2021
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[quote]Vane having his revenge on Eleanor. Eleanor going all in to cement her authority in Nassau. Hornigold putting a stop to that! Barlow (SHOCKING SCENE) blown away. Max, Jack & Ann forming a formidable team. Ann saving Jack's arse from Eleanor's' assassins. Silver weaving his tales...
1, but extremely random and lucky guess...
[quote]because his hands and fingers were so jacked up it's almost distracting [/quote] That was so distracting to me as well, luckily overall the show was funny enough to make up for it. ...
Framed in 4, 0/10 for Episodes ...
Framed in 3, Episodes in 6 (I'm ashamed it took that long)...
**Title: Fraggle Rock: Space Odyssey** **Genre: Family/Adventure/Sci-Fi** **Logline:** The beloved Fraggles embark on a cosmic journey, discovering new worlds and civilizations while learning valuable lessons about friendship, diversity, and cooperation in the uncharted expanses of the univer...
3, guessed wrong Anderson movie on 2...