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Location:The Penalty Box
Number of Posts:564
Registered on:4/4/2022
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It may sound funny, but any whiff of Axe shower gel anywhere brings me back to junior high. Life was so simple. Watching early Family Guy episodes on DVD all night with friends, riding bikes to all the neighborhood pools, playing football at your someone's house who had a corner lot so you had the...
"for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly"...
I've never understood why rappers keep live rounds in the mag/chamber to shoot music videos or streams or anything like that. If you have an empty mag in a music video, no one is going to notice......

re: Red flag behavior or not?

Posted by PikesPeak on 5/21/24 at 9:36 pm
That's the kind of intelligence and problem solving that you should appreciate. She's absolutely bananas, but she's smart and a problem solver...
[quote]I'm gonna pray extra for you and there's nothing you can do about it [/quote]This is the way...
That’s an absolutely ridiculous metric to measure parenthood off of. ...
They can have their endless freedom, they’ll never know the feeling of putting your daughter to bed and she says “I want to keep you forever”. That’s real. That’s pure. That’s something they’ll never get to experience. Parenting is the most challenging and rewarding part of human existence and I...
[quote]And reportedly gaining new ones at a record pace due to the documentary. [/quote]Degeneracy is running rampant. People are now proud of what they should be ashamed of....
Police will always say "we're just following orders". Remember that...

re: Let's Run There...Jeremy Renner

Posted by PikesPeak on 5/20/24 at 1:37 pm
[quote]I work in an office and have 3 kids. I run. And I cross train. I'm at the gym, on the pavement, or in the pool 4-6 days a week. I do it to live a longer, better, healthier life for my family. And if I should ever need to protect my family, or handle a stressful situation involving them, I ...

re: The economy is just broken

Posted by PikesPeak on 5/19/24 at 10:33 am
Buy used, don’t be dumb. ...
I absolutely cannot look away from this ...
Tell her to say the following: "I say this with nothing but love in my heart, but frick all the way off"...

re: Potato Salad: Served Hot or Cold?

Posted by PikesPeak on 5/16/24 at 10:17 am
It really depends. German potato salad is supposed to be eaten warm, but good ol fashioned southern potato salad from the fridge is delicious. ...
Hairline fracture in my right cheek - Rugby Broken nose x 3 (Bouncing in Tigerland during college, rugby, hockey) Broken left pinky - Football, got it caught in a facemask Broken ribs x 2 - Rugby, snowboarding...
[quote]Didnt see it on first couple pages. [/quote]Because you're about a month and a half late...
[quote]and more than 50 rounds of ammo[/quote][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExODQ2eTJ5MGtucTMwYW9jbHM0cml0NjRiZml6cG9obG1kZTlldXdpcCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/lA3qoZE4TKQhi/giphy.gif[/img]...